give me some ideas(gimmicks)

Mar 8, 2018
hello im new here in magic i have playing cards i have spongeballs the basics
generally tiny finger, flash paper,threads im creating them by my self and thubs thumb writter, ballons, biting quarter, nests of wallets acn you suggest me some gimmicks that may be important but i dont know im very interested in smoke by allan rorrinson but who much i can use that with 10 refils pls give me some ideas i like perfoming magic some times but mostly i perform quick tricks like 1-2 tricks each day so pls give me some ideas and explain me what i can do with each object! god bless you all!
Mar 8, 2018
hello im new here in magic i have playing cards i have spongeballs the basics
generally tiny finger, flash paper,threads im creating them by my self and thubs thumb writter, ballons, biting quarter, nests of wallets acn you suggest me some gimmicks that may be important but i dont know im very interested in smoke by allan rorrinson but who much i can use that with 10 refils pls give me some ideas i like perfoming magic some times but mostly i perform quick tricks like 1-2 tricks each day so pls give me some ideas and explain me what i can do with each object! god bless you all!
or can i buy some dvd's teaching magic containing gimmicks too? because i ahve seen hay sankey's work and im a little bid impressed too. but i dont like so much coin magic !


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
First of all welcome to the forums. We have a great community of members with a plethora of knowledge and pride ourselves on being professional and helpful to one another. One thing to keep in mind is sometimes you will get a better response from members here if you "ask" rather than say "give me". Also, please try to use complete sentences with capital letter, periods and do not use abbreviations such as pls for please. Thank you and enjoy. We have a lot of creative members here to bounce ideas off of.
Jan 14, 2017
Welcome to the forums.
All beginners (in almost any endeavor) are eager and excited to learn/try as much as possible initially. I recommend you choose one or two of the numerous things you listed and perform each, several times for many people. This helps you develop a core of successful material and immeasurable self-confidence.

I want to echo Rick's comment about punctuation. It appears English is a second language for you. And that is fine. But without some attention to appropriate writing etiquette your post requires an awful lot of dissection in order to discern the meaning. You will receive more responses, and better responses, with a simpler post. The forum provides back-and-forth dialog. So I recommend you begin simple and then an interesting discussion will ensue.
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