Good controls

Mar 1, 2014
Hi guys, I am a magician and I am interested in a good way to control cards from the middle to the top etc. Also, do you guys think a pass or a shift is much better, in real performances. Tips on the pass and how to make it invisible is also much appreciated.


Apr 28, 2014
pass dont need to be invisible. u can see LEE SMITH performing pass in his step system dvds. if u want some good passes check out Steve Draun midnight shift, Darwin Ortiz pass, two o clock jiggle by david ragal(constant fooling book vol 1), chad nelson on spread pass, also LEGEND WITH CARDS dvd by Kris Nevling(fantastic but underrated dvd for controls and passes). btw if u dont know any good control(from ur post) then i think ur a begginer , dont jump for pass ,learn some simple controls first.
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Jan 10, 2009
University Park PA
For advice on how to make your pass invisible: Focus on your presentation and misdirection. I use a pass all the time, and my pass is not invisible at all, in my opinion. I just couple it with misdirection, so that when I do the pass no one is looking at my hands.
Jul 13, 2010
I like the TCP (Tamariz Perpendicular Control). Very versatile control. Can be used to palm cards, bring cards to the bottom or any other position in the deck.
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