Got crush! First look.


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
Ok I got Crush in the mail today. I can personally say I really like both methods. The bad thing was I didn't get the 3 other items that were supposed to be included. The other thing was this: I had the closest thing possible to the gimmick(minus the the item(s) that some are missing) at my house already because of another effect I had bought. Otherwise I really liked the effect. I went to my friends house and did the effect and floored him with the ungimmicked method. Nothing ever fools that guy. It's a really good effect and I love both methods. Buy it. You won't regret it. Eric Ross did a great job.
Apr 22, 2009
If the "thing" in reference ever breaks or needs replacement, we will replace it on the house, shipping included..

You will? that's awesome. I only got one of the "gimmicked thing" in it,(received it today in mail) and another one that wasn't gimmicked. Ha. But you only need one, it's not like you NEED four of them guys, just to clarify. The extra amount was to be just that: extras if you need them. I love the trick, especially the ungimmicked version. I will so use this. Haven't constructed the gimmick yet, but I have my weekend ahead of me! Thanks t11. Good trick. This will kill!!!(figuratively)

Aug 31, 2007
anyone ome up with a cool routine for crush yet?? i been thinking, maybe combine it with flow, doing the un gimmicked version. any ideas?

I think combining things is so overkill for the effect.

Hey ...let's do let's do let's do Crush.

Overkill haha

You could if you wanted to but I think you would be drowning each effect with another.. Like tidal wave after tidal wave.

Try this. Use presentation for Crush. And I mean strong presentation. Put a small story into it. And it doesn't have to be a small princess and dragon story but|I'll be borrowing this from a membher from themagiccafe| CREDITS :D

If you, as the performer, present this effect quickly -almost like it was an easy feat to accomplish- then it will be accepted as such. I presented it with an almost mythical explaination. I started by telling the specatators that Shaolin Monks practice the art of self defense by fighting without weapons. Concentrating with their minds on disabling their would-be assailants by crushing their leg bones, or stopping their hearts without physically touching them. Then I continue saying "I've been practicing on inanimate objects." Follow with the crush effect SLOWLY. I don't rush into it AT ALL. The slower the crush effect takes place - THE BETTER. At the end, don't act as if "yea, I did that." Act a little exhausted, a little taxed. Brings the effect home for sure!

Thanks Eric and the Theory 11 team.

-Dan Cain
You don't need to make a full routine out of this to make it stronger than it already is. Add story and presentation and take them through a kind of personal journey. I would join the spectator in on the effect like in the performance where you have them wave there hand over the bottle as well. This will be something they will never forget. And you can also apply this to any effect you do!
Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
I got mine today. When I opened the package and saw the gimmick I just laughed. I don't think I'll ever use the gimmicked version unless I end up doing some kind of tv special or maybe doing some busking where I know I'm gonna be doing it all day. it's the kind of crazy gimmick and set up you would imagine cyril or dr Leon using to accomplish an effect. Otherwise the non-gimmicked version is genious in it's simplicity i can imagine using this version all the time all you need to set it up is your nearest public washroom. Great job guys.


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
I don't know if I'm the only one that has this problem but I cannot crush a dr. pepper or coke a cola bottle to save my life. It just wont do it.
Dec 13, 2007
North Hollywood
test drove CRUSH today, my friend and I have been performing it all night (the ungimmicked version) with a monster can. REALLY REALLY awesome, we found ways to keep doing the ungimmicked version, setting up while perfroming street magic really is EASY! reactons were great.
trying gimmicked version next weekend
May 3, 2008
I don't know if I'm the only one that has this problem but I cannot crush a dr. pepper or coke a cola bottle to save my life. It just wont do it.
I'm having this problem too. If someone could please help me, I'd appreciate it because I really love the effect.
Oct 20, 2008
Austin, TX area
My review goes to the type of magician this effect is good for.
I have a day job and for me magic is a hobby. I like tricks that, in the morning, I can put in my pockets/wallet/briefcase/laptop bag and take with me to work/a meeting/lunch. That way, if someone asks me or if there's a dull moment, say, waiting for a meeting to start, I can whip something out and make everyone's day a little more fun. Those are the kind of tricks I like: ones I can comfortably carry with me all day and perform on a moment's notice.
I didn't call it a bad trick. Just disappointing for me.

As I already acknowledged, professionals who go out knowing when and where they'll be performing are in a completely different boat. They'll probably love Crush. I don't know. I'm not in their shoes.

I would actually like to thank you for this clarification. I'm fairly in the same situation as you, with a love of cargo pants to go with my laptop case. I also appreciate the time you put into detailing who may and may not benefit from this.

I actually had so much fun doing the ARG for Pressure that I pre-ordered it, but found it wasn't right for me. I loved nearly everything about it, but that doesn't mean I should be performing it. I even shook DG's hand at the Austin Magic Auction and said thank you.

Anyway, I was really glad to see a review that attempts to match the effect to the best performers. This is one of those products that looks interesting because I'm curious to know the secret, but that I doubt is personally right for me as well. Which, also, is to say that hopefully the people who love Crush don't want me screwing it up for them. :D
Jan 5, 2010
I would actually like to thank you for this clarification. I'm fairly in the same situation as you . . . :D

Thanks, Andrew! I'm glad to hear you found the review helpful. It makes it worth the flak it received. For a forum frequented/moderated by supposedly free-wheeling, free-minded types, there seems to be quite a bit of intolerance for divergent opinions.

As a coda to this mini-drama, I hope everyone considers the following:

The facts
I submitted my critical review with a 1-star rating to CRUSH's product page at the same time that Blindside, ECaulfield, and others submitted their positive reviews. Theirs appear on CRUSH's product page. Mine does not.

Ever wonder how it is that almost every product on T11 is rated at least 4 out of 5 stars and the reviews are generally glowing? Now we know. I suspect that T11 "manages" product reviews in much the same way that public corporations "manage" financial statements and earnings reports. As a business strategy, I can't criticize it: it's the profit-maximizing choice! But knowing this means I'll definitely look to sources other than the reviews on the product page before buying anything in future.

We all seem to fond of Latin here, so I'll end with this: Caveat emptor.
Sep 2, 2007
i bought it, is a nice effect but i think both method could be easy figured out, i figured out the gimmick version before buy it and the ungimmicked version as soon as i look the bottle in the explanation on dvd. I'am not acting like a smart ass but i think the ungimmicked version could be spotted in real life just looking at it, couldn't tell more because of exposure. Hope i'am wrong and laymen wouldn't figured it out.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Thanks, Andrew! I'm glad to hear you found the review helpful. It makes it worth the flak it received. For a forum frequented/moderated by supposedly free-wheeling, free-minded types, there seems to be quite a bit of intolerance for divergent opinions.

As a coda to this mini-drama, I hope everyone considers the following:

The facts
I submitted my critical review with a 1-star rating to CRUSH's product page at the same time that Blindside, ECaulfield, and others submitted their positive reviews. Theirs appear on CRUSH's product page. Mine does not.

Ever wonder how it is that almost every product on T11 is rated at least 4 out of 5 stars and the reviews are generally glowing? Now we know. I suspect that T11 "manages" product reviews in much the same way that public corporations "manage" financial statements and earnings reports. As a business strategy, I can't criticize it: it's the profit-maximizing choice! But knowing this means I'll definitely look to sources other than the reviews on the product page before buying anything in future.

We all seem to fond of Latin here, so I'll end with this: Caveat emptor.


I suggest that next time, you contact us in good faith before jumping to conclusions about conspiracies and dishonesty. In this case, your facts are not facts. I checked into this myself this morning.

Two things. Firstly, all ratings are calculated live on product pages. If you rate something a 1 (meaning worthless - which I feel is absurd, but you are entitled to that opinion), your rating is immediately calculated and averaged with proper mathematics into the product review. Our system is not biased to like a product. For proof, check out the rating for Static. Great trick, but 3 star rating. Crush is rated 4.5 stars because although you rated it a 1, about 249 other people rated it a 4 or 5. This skews things a bit in that direction, with good reason.

Your review, although you said was submitted - appears nowhere in our back end panel awaiting posting. We post all well written, constructive reviews written respectfully and in good faith. True, if something says "yo 4 real this sucks" - of course we will not post it as it is not intellectual, professional discourse. But if a review is written in good faith, constructive, and professional, we always post it.

As I write this, we have THREE pages full - 45 to be exact - of reviews that are awaiting moderation / approval by our team. Every single one of them is 4 or 5 stars. Why? No, not because of a censorship conspiracy, but because we produce products that are actually GOOD, and our creative team hand selects each of them in promotion of quality over quantity.

You are entitled to your opinion. You have every right to declare this effect doesn't suit your fancy - of course I respect that. There are tons of effects in magic that, while I admit are widely respected and cool in concept, just don't fit me. However, I don't think it fair or judicious to jump to erroneous conclusions and post them as facts without a good faith effort to check with us first.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
I'm having this problem too. If someone could please help me, I'd appreciate it because I really love the effect.

Just sent you a private message to make sure this was resolved. Let me know - and as always, do not hesitate to submit a support ticket to our crew if you should need any assistance.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
test drove CRUSH today, my friend and I have been performing it all night (the ungimmicked version) with a monster can. REALLY REALLY awesome, we found ways to keep doing the ungimmicked version, setting up while perfroming street magic really is EASY! reactons were great.
trying gimmicked version next weekend

Awesome! Have fun with it!


Apr 1, 2009
I've got crush today, the gimmick looks fine but where is the DvD....

I live in switzerland so the shipping cost is already quiet high...

I'm a bit disapointed...

my english is not very good so who I've to contact now?
Nov 7, 2009
Gents, here's my review of the trick:

This was horribly disappointing. I love theory11 and was really excited for Crush, but this trick falls far below T11's usual standards.

The biggest problem is practicality. Both the gimmicked and ungimmicked versions require so much preparation as to make this trick impractical. The ad copy is slightly disingenuous on this point, so I will clarify to save others my disappointment:

You can only use a borrowed bottle in the GIMMICKED version. And even then, you can't borrow just any bottle. It has to be the right kind of bottle, so you may be out of luck. The gimmick itself is large and unwieldy. It's definitely NOT the kind of thing you just slip into your pocket and carry with you during your day.

For the UNGIMMICKED version, you must prepare a bottle. Preparing the bottle can't be done just anywhere (i.e., if you're at a picnic or barbecue, you're out of luck). Once you've prepared the bottle, you've got a maximum of 30 minutes in which to perform. And this version is erratic and unreliable: it frequently yields less-than-thrilling results.

In sum, this trick is completely inappropriate for the amateur magician who likes to perform fairly impromptu at work, school, cocktail parties, dinners, poker nights, etc. You might be able to get some value out of it if you do a professional parlor-type routine where you completely control the environment.

I recommend saving your money and buying something else.

Looks like im getting spin then...
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