Greatest lecture of all time?


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
So, I was just sitting around thinking about what are some of the historically great magic lectures ever.

My favorite all lecture is definitely Michael Vincent’s Reel Magic lecture (2018). It is truly amazing. I’d almost suggest subscribing to Reel Magic for just a month in order to watch it.

I also quite loved Bizzaro’s At the table lecture Presented By Murphy’s magic (2014). I remember watching the trailer at least 200 times, but didn’t actually get to watch it until late 2018 when I found a copy relatively cheap on Penguin Magic’s Black Friday. However, to be fair I’ve never seen the end because every time I’ve tried to watch it my DVD player quit working and it’s kind of annoying.
Okay, rambling over

So, how bout everyone else? What is your all time favorite lecture can be one you’ve either downloaded, bought on dvd or personally attended.
Or heck even imagined in a dream. We aren’t picky here on the forums


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I really enjoyed Kozmo's lecture when I saw it at Hocus Pocus. He covered a lot of real world information for someone who wants to busk. Both a collection of solid tricks and, more importantly to me, lots of the "how and why" of his material and how he performs.

Wayne Houchin's was also great - again, covered tricks but also more of the performance philosophy and theory.
Mar 14, 2019
Gregory Wilson At the Table Live. I can watch it over and over and it still inspires me. One of the best ever Imo if that's your style of magic.
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Dec 31, 2017
I love David Williamson's Penguin Lecture. David's Rocky the Raccoon was the first "magic trick" that I bought (a LONG time ago). I also got to hang with David and his mother one night on a Disney Cruise. He is a great guy.
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Jun 3, 2020
Not sure I have a favourite lecture per say. But I really enjoy watching david stone lecture. It is super informative and always fun to watch!

David Stone is absolutely enjoyable and his book (Real Secrets) is super informative as well. Just finished reading it.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Jeff McBride (just masterful in every way)
Wayne Houchin (beautiful performances and great theory)
Greg Wilson (best sleight of hand I've seen)
Aaron Fisher (just hilarious... took an hour to teach one effect)
Dani D'Ortiz (great ideas on how to present magic)
Woody Aragorn (my long lost twin)
Shoot Ogawa (great teaching on classic force and Ninja Rings)
Mar 15, 2018
My favorite all lecture is definitely Michael Vincent’s Reel Magic lecture (2018). It is truly amazing. I’d almost suggest subscribing to Reel Magic for just a month in order to watch it.

At just $5 a month, that's still a bargain. Most lectures cost at least $20-40 each, and with Reel Magic Magazine you get access to all of their content.

Another lecture I'd suggest as an all-time great is Eugene Burger's Penguin LIVE Lecture. It's valuable not so much for the tricks, but for the insights he shares, and his philosophy and approach to magic.


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
Shawn Farquhar by far. He was engaging, polite and took time with Everyone for advice or help with a move and such.
Best lecture I've been to. Easily.
Love that guy!!
Jul 26, 2016
Reminds me of what happened to me one time years ago. I had been out on the town with "the boys," and after several pints, I headed home around 3 A.M. in my souped-up red Camaro. Flying down a (seemingly deserted) two lane highway at 90 MPH, I was horrified to see the flashing lights in my rear-view mirror, that seemed to come out of nowhere, and then I heard the deafening siren! "License, registration and proof of insurance," barked the man behind the badge and the blinding flashlight. "And just where were you going in such a hurry?" he demanded. "Oh, I was going to a lecture, Officer." "Yeah sure," he said. Who gives a lecture at 3 A.M.?" I said: "My wife."
Sorry to interrupt, Anyone kind to mentor me, Am from Nepal, let me borrow your precious time just 3 minutes.
Been studying magic since 7 months self study, am in need for some wisdoms, enlighten me please.
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