Guardians or Centurions?

Aug 31, 2007
tbh i dont like either of them, the card stock is weird and they warp too easily.

id just buy a brick of fan back tallys or my fav cards, bicycle vintage tangable back (amazing feel!)
Sep 1, 2007
Dude, Centurions are sick. These are some of the best cards I own. They're smooth, they hold up, etc.

I don't know what everyone is talking about with this warping business. I live in New Orleans where the relative humidity is something like 100% on a daily basis, and I have rarely had any problems with warping or clumping. And I've gone through four decks of them by now.

There is something to be said about the design, though. While it is the most badass design ever, it has nothing to do with centurions, phalanxes, imperators, or the SPQR. They are more pirate cards than anything.
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