Guy does crazy levitation on X factor

Nov 14, 2011
This is pretty impressive.

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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The next time someone tells me that giving a different presentation to a trick everyone has seen won't make it seem like a totally different trick, I'm sending them to this thread.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
He's using a modified gimmick but it's very cool, I can't wait to see what else he pulls off with this character.

It is the character that is most interesting. The levitation is cool, but not something that wins a competition like this. It was how he performed. He toyed with the audience. He bored then. He made them boo. He almost got buzzed off the stage. In the end, he knew exactly when to pull the trigger and throw everyone so far off their guard that they loved him.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
It is the character that is most interesting. The levitation is cool, but not something that wins a competition like this. It was how he performed. He toyed with the audience. He bored then. He made them boo. He almost got buzzed off the stage. In the end, he knew exactly when to pull the trigger and throw everyone so far off their guard that they loved him.

You're right on with this; he's a clever guy.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Goes to show us all that an "effect" 100 years old can still play well if presented right.

That particular stunt goes back over 1,000 years if I recall correctly; it is one of the oldest of the larger scaled bits of magic known to exist with the Indian Rope Trick being the oldest. Other such bits include the Sword Basket and a few interesting animal mutilations.
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