Ok, so i was really bored in history today and i started thinking, david blaine can get on tv, and there are so many more people with so much more skill so why shouldnt they have a chance to have a little show for themselves? Ill take a gues and say most of you are as good if not better than blaine. So, my idea is, why dont we all take some footage of out best material and combine it and send it somewhere to possibly be aired? Im sure all of you have thought of this before. We can take the best of the best videos and combine them into one and make a little producion. Anyone else think its worth a shot? Many of you might think its stupid,but whatever, people are entitiled to their opinions
It shouldn't matter how complex the trick is. it should be about how you present your trick and yourself. If you present confidence and professionalism then people will precive confidence and prfessionalism. If you really think you a shot then you can email me and I'll edit all the footage and burn you a dvd to send in but if only if you are serious about this.
Alright miss literal- SORRY FOR THE WORDING ABOUT COMPLEX. jesus, one thing i can't stand on magic forums is everyones stupid thought that if they 'sound proper and so for the magic community in forums i'll eventually get special treatment' It gets REAL old when the 'proper' police come out on every thread in a forum.
I personally don't CARE what you think about complexity of tricks and whatnot. The fact of the matter is i think you know what i was talking about, but for the sake of trying to look good you argued it.
I GUARENTEE David Blaine has BETTER TRICKS then say.. 2 card monte, he just wont make them public on TV. Was that clear enough for you?