Help for making my first show

Nov 21, 2014
Hi guys, i am 16 years old and many People in my town has afsked to book me, if i made a show. The problem is this is my first "show" Im not one of Those magicians that tries to make People believe in magic.... Im more a funny guy that makes crazy effects. I am a guys that uses a lot of my time in practacing new moves, mostly card magic. I am asking for some advise, to make my new show... And maybe som card tricks or tricks that would work greate for my style ( i have Tried to Tell you about me, so you can get an idea about what kind of style i use )
Hope you fellow magicians Can help me :)


Elite Member
Hi guys, I am 16 years old and many people in my town has asked to book me if I made a show. The problem is this is my first "show". I'm not one of those magicians that tries to make people believe in magic.... I'm more a funny guy that makes crazy effects. I am a guy that uses a lot of my time in practicing new moves, mostly card magic. I am asking for some advice, to make my new show... And maybe some card tricks or tricks that would work great for my style ( I have tried to tell you about me, so you can get an idea about what kind of style I use )
Hope you fellow magicians can help me. :)
Well Schmidt, I hate to say this but it's up to you to make your magic persona. I'm guessing you practice your tricks and perform for your family. If so, try look at how you perform for them.
Nov 21, 2014
Well Schmidt, I hate to say this but it's up to you to make your magic persona. I'm guessing you practice your tricks and perform for your family. If so, try look at how you perform for them.
I know bro, but maybe you have some tips on building the show.....
Do you know any video/book were you can learn card moves, and some card tricks, but mostly high and medium skilled card moves/manipulation ?
I recommend practicing/learning a suffecient amount of tricks for a 30 min show. You don't really want to go past that if its a every one sits and watches type of show, if its a walk around performance/show have a few good killer tricks and well keep walking around (Its not like you need 5356 tricks or anything like that) also if its a standard show (every one sits and watches) then here are some tips: 1: again don't go past 30 min (unless they really want a certain time limit)
2: there needs to be a reason for the magic to happen
3: make sure you have some good patter to go along with the tricks
4: know who your performing for
5: dress one above everyone, no need to whoop out a tux for a birthday party (unless you want to) 6: smile allot and enjoy yourself, most likely when they see you have a blast they will follow along) let me know if you have anymore questions
-sincerely Joseph
Nov 21, 2014
I recommend practicing/learning a suffecient amount of tricks for a 30 min show. You don't really want to go past that if its a every one sits and watches type of show, if its a walk around performance/show have a few good killer tricks and well keep walking around (Its not like you need 5356 tricks or anything like that) also if its a standard show (every one sits and watches) then here are some tips: 1: again don't go past 30 min (unless they really want a certain time limit)
2: there needs to be a reason for the magic to happen
3: make sure you have some good patter to go along with the tricks
4: know who your performing for
5: dress one above everyone, no need to whoop out a tux for a birthday party (unless you want to) 6: smile allot and enjoy yourself, most likely when they see you have a blast they will follow along) let me know if you have anymore questions
-sincerely Joseph
Thanks a lot, i have gotten request from weddings and confirmations. That's some great tips, really. You got any video/book were you can learn card moves, and some card tricks, but mostly high and medium skilled card moves/manipulation ?
Well it comes with a price but man oh man its so worth what you pay for, every penny.
I got into the magic castle's junior program with this trick I love it. The only video tutorial was released in the 80's on VHS though. It comes with instructions though so yah. Im not old I just met the guy who made this trick so I know a little bit about it. Im 14 by the way.
Your welcome also If your looking for a visual card change I saw a new amazing looking gimmick over at ellusionists (magic shop).
Also have you tried getting business cards? People have asked me for some but I never had any. You should give it a try, I know I will. Having a website or YouTube channel on the card is a great idea too.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I would recommend picking up Royal Road to Card Magic. It explains through example how to build a show and some elements to look at when putting things together. On top of that you will learn some fantastic tricks. Read and work through the entire thing as a starting point.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey

There is a big difference between a performing a couple of tricks and having a show, especially when people are paying you. But before I get into that, I have a couple of questions:

Are thinking of doing walk-around or doing a show in front of a group of people?

What effects do you perform regularly?

What materials do you have to learn from (books, DVD, etc.)?
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