Help for making my first show

Nov 21, 2014

There is a big difference between a performing a couple of tricks and having a show, especially when people are paying you. But before I get into that, I have a couple of questions:

Are thinking of doing walk-around or doing a show in front of a group of people?

What effects do you perform regularly?

What materials do you have to learn from (books, DVD, etc.)?
I will do a show as often as posible, but if someone asks me to do walk around i will do that. Walk around is kinda like street magic in my point of view so that wont be a problem ( Have done a lot of street magic in my small town ) That's also why so many people know me xD I normally do close up magic, but i have been practacing for many moves/tricks that is greate for stage. I learn from Dvds and i got 1 book. I dont really like learning from book, as im 16, and i am having abit troubles with understanding every word ( Its important to understand every word, cuz every word matters ) But i would say my english is decent at my age, so if you have any book to recommend that would be nice.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
My advice typically is to build on what you know. That is why I was asking what you perform. That also gives me a sense of what you like. So lets start there. If you were to do a show, what effects would you include?
Nov 21, 2014
I have thought about doing a trick, dont know the name, but where i take an empty glass and then with a wave with my tovel, some liqued apear. Then i want dresscode to be in it. I also want my cups and balls rutine


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Out of the three, I think that the cups and balls has the most potential but is limited to a smaller audience (say maximum of 50 people). The first effect is too quick -- to make it work you need it to be part of something else. Dresscode is similar -- it looks like a stunt that doesn't draw the audience in to your performance. Quick and visual doesn't work for a stage show. The effects need to have more substance to them. Invisible Deck can be one of those effects -- look up Wayne Dobson's performance of that and sponge balls and you can see how a small effect can play big. The effects need to give you an opportunity to develop your character so that at the end of the show the audience remembers you rather than some guy that did a lot of tricks.

My best advice is to spend some time on the typical magic sites such as Penguin and MJM and look for effects that interest you. Some ideas that you might like -- Healed and Sealed Soda, Fiber Optics, Sponge Balls (the Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic DVD is pretty good). If you don't have it yet, get Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic. You could build your whole show out of that book. Another book, if you like Wayne Dobson's performance style is WD40. His tossed out deck routine and "Teach" routine are great. Don't copy Wayne's style, but use the ideas to develop your own style.
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