Hi... Newbie Here

Nov 4, 2009
hi everyone...
i' am newly registered here...

and the reason is
i would like to learn more
about coin tricks...

i hope that i am welcome...

and as a beginner,
i would like to ask some
sleight of hands
for coin magic...

any tutorial would be appreciated...:D:D:D
check out the coin forum. you can learn some names of some slights. ask around for books.
check out the 1on1 section. they dont have a into to coins but you can always ask in the coin section.
READ THE RULES regarding to posting
DONT ask about the wire

we dont just give out free tutorials here.
you are better off buying a book and being taught the right way.
i dont know a whole lot of coin magic
but check out bobo's book for coin magic
and in the beginning there were coins is a pretty good dvd on coin magic

other than that. welcome and hope you learn alot
Sep 1, 2007
check out the coin forum. you can learn some names of some slights. ask around for books.
check out the 1on1 section. they dont have a into to coins but you can always ask in the coin section.
READ THE RULES regarding to posting
DONT ask about the wire

we dont just give out free tutorials here.
you are better off buying a book and being taught the right way.
i dont know a whole lot of coin magic
but check out bobo's book for coin magic
and in the beginning there were coins is a pretty good dvd on coin magic

other than that. welcome and hope you learn alot

What he said. And welcome!

Jun 26, 2009
hey man,

welcome to the forums! if you like coins, be sure to check out that forum.

have fun!

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hey, welcome mate! If you're looking to start off coin magic, please go out and get Bobo's Modern Coin Magic. It's very cheap and is bar none the most comprehensive introduction to coin magic.

Only other thing to add is that please be aware that exposure (free tutorials/exposed sleights without permission of the creator and/or buying the product) is highly unethical and greatly frowned upon. It is essentially stealing.
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Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
welcome, i would support the posts made above whole heartedly and also point you in a few other directions, David Roth has an excellent series in coin magic that is comprehensive and useful if you are more of a visual learner, Should you need some inspiration for what coin magic can and should be i recommend looking up some youtube channels such as Frenchdroptube (ponta the smith) and i also really enjoy watching our own Scott baird's routines, his channel is something like thatcardguy ... im having issues remembering it right now and im in a rush so i cant search my favorites, i'll update it later. But both are great examples of amazing coin magic and never fail to inspire me to strive for more whenever coin magic makes me wanna give up. Welcome again and ttyl
If you would like a free source for coin magic, I suggest you check out Dan Watkin's site. He has alot of good advice for someone starting in coin magic. His site is www.coinvanish.com.

and the password for the foundations section on that site is "backpalm". Its really good.

jrobarts05 recommended david roths expert coin magic made easy series. I agree, that is a possibly the best series of videos to start out with supplimenting "Bobo's modern coin magic" (book). I personally prefer david stone's beginner coin video. I feel like he gives you more fun and exciting material to work with. And the teaching is just as good in my opinion. The only weird thing is that he doesn't teach the thumb palm until the second video. But whatever. Go to www.coinvanish.com like he suggested and there the pros and cons of all the beginner dvds are weighed. You can take a look at that and make an educated decision. Definately pick up bobo's (you can probably find it at borders or barnes and nobles) and then look into these videos.

Oh and stay away from youtube tutorials unless you want to end up sucking at magic. :D have fun.
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