hindu tornado is such a joke ... its like "angel".
an incredibly simple move that is a slight variation of something already published in the encyclopedia, in fact, if you watch the Flourishman's companion DVDs you can see him doing not only this "hindu tornado" but like 6 other ways to do the hindu cut variations. including a very dope "hindu tornado" to back-handed stall.
visually identical to any number of spinning aerial cuts from dealers position, of which I can think of at least 5, my personal preference being EGR v2.
another lame offering, dressed up in thick hype, that some how n00by fanboys seem to fall over themselves for! Just like in magic - do some research on the existing material, released years before - and you might find whats "new" isn't really new at all.
actually, theres lots of reasons to get the companion DVDs besides so you don't look like an goof, fawning over a simple cut. You might find something to work on that doesn't cost you $$$$$$ per move! MAYBE YOU MIGHT EVEN MAKE UP YOUR OWN SH!T. who knows, the sky is the limit at that point.
ohhhh... but flourishman did not spend $720000 making his DVD, and doesn't have everyone from Dave buck to Dai Vernon on an HD video spammed across 18 different websites (like unitedcardists.COM what the fuh guys)
so, maybe you guys won't even consider getting it until 50 spam emails invade your inbox talking about how you can make a career out of it. lol
aren't you one of the guys that bought a 100 dollar book for some cute demon stories and a grip that was use about 6 years ago (by Bone, lol ironi)
anyway, I totaly agree with you here, i just wish you could take that further and see that the virts or t11 are just noobies in the hype bull**** marketing compared to *some other card website...*