How do you get to the break?

Jan 19, 2009
when you performe how do you get too the break too a double lift?
the double lift i am doing is not so bad but the only problem is getting the break fast if I do the switch with gimmicks cards.

So the question is how do you get to the break fast or wich double lift are you using?
Oct 19, 2007
Before I actually do a trick I talk to them. This is perfect time to push off 2 cards to get a break. Also, before I preform I have my arms down in a casual way with the deck of cards in my hand and because the cards are facing my side for some reason its really easy for me to push off 2 then pull them back and bring up the cards to preform.

Pinkie count is also another way to get into it. When im on the spot and need to get a double, I just peel off 2 cards from the deck with my thumb and turn them over in whatever way im in the mood for.

Hoped this helped ;)
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
push off, or a basic riffle retaining two cards at the top. You can also do certain double's that dont require a break. if you ever get the chance ask Aaron Fisher how he feels about the pinky count. haha he gets so mad
Sep 20, 2008
Hey JR, care to elaborate on that? i doubt Aaron would be able to reply in this thread anyways, but im quite interested.
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
haha, it was a lecture at Magi-fest. Part of it was on how ridiculous pinky counts are and how we all hate them and the look of concentration comes across our faces and a vein pops out of our forehead as we try and get the right amount of cards. He just presented a really funny lecture and went on to talk about simplifying and making things look fluid and organic as well as always getting things done before spectators are burning your hands.
Jun 9, 2009
Just push off two cards with your thumb while you are in mechanic's grip and get your pinky under the two cards while pulling to be flush with the deck.
Jul 14, 2008
Just push off two cards with your thumb while you are in mechanic's grip and get your pinky under the two cards while pulling to be flush with the deck.

I was about to say that and rifle with your thumb is a great preparation when you are performing a push off double lift. Pinky count is a great way to get two or multiple cards, but it takes time. If you are willing to put dedication on card magic, pinky count will be worth it if you practise a lot.
Sep 20, 2008
haha, it was a lecture at Magi-fest. Part of it was on how ridiculous pinky counts are and how we all hate them and the look of concentration comes across our faces and a vein pops out of our forehead as we try and get the right amount of cards. He just presented a really funny lecture and went on to talk about simplifying and making things look fluid and organic as well as always getting things done before spectators are burning your hands.

I thought that was just me. Im currently learning how to do that, but i gotta admit that i do the constipated-look whenever im trying to do it. Curse my small hands
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