how do you use card shuffles without damaging cards

Jul 18, 2016
i have been practicing a number of shuffles and false cut but i have found they are damaging the ends of my cards. examples are : faro- riffle-card spring
I am not sure if constant card flourishing will damage cards over time or if my techniques are incorrect

the cards end are splitting apart/ their is a crease down the middle from card springs
Apr 19, 2015
Florence, Italy
i suggest to double check the faro technique, not because of the cards, but because of learning it the proper way.

Then what cards are you using? If they are really creased you might be a little harsh to them.

Last note: cards aren't forever. Some flourish, like springs or anything requires high pressure, are well known to damage playing cards.
That should not prevents you from practising them, just keep in mind that the entropy fo the universe is always going to increase.
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Elite Member
Aug 19, 2014
On cards splitting:
Like Marco, I suspect your faros. Faros should be done almost force-free. The packets should combine like a zipper, gradually interlacing from one end the other. If it it does not look like a zipper when you do it, of if you need to apply great pressure to force the packets together, something is wrong with your technique. I recommend the get The Virts' tutorial on the perfect faro if you seek a good source. You can buy the tutorial with a purchase of the ss16 deck, or you could drop them an email at support and ask to buy this tutorial specifically or the SS14 tutorial bundle, which also include Rubix opener, Strobe, Squeeze and the 7-second pirouette.

Oncard creasing:
Everytime you bent the cards, you break some paper fibers. The more you bent them, the more fibers you break. Eventually, the cards will develop weaker spots where a crease will show if the card is bent sufficiently. All cards get to that point in time. And the way you use your cards will determine where the crease will appear (have you noticed that the creases are all located approximately at the same locations on every card?).
Some moves are harsher on the cards than others. Springs, Lepaul spreads, riffle shuffle and bridge are particularly stressful on the cards. When doing these moves, make sure you do them on both sides of the decks, in order to even the stress on each side of the cards, and break the fibers as evenly as possible. This will help use you deck longer. Using a porper clip will also help your cards get back flat while the stress is release from the cards, this might save you some extra springs the next you use your cards if you like your cards flat.

On card lifespan:
When beginning I used to change deck every week or so. The more I got comfortable with a specific move, the longer my cards would last. That's because I developed the right amount of hand strength and control to apply just the right amount of pressure, and to avoid overbending the cards, which I did a lot at first, only I did not knew at first how wrong I was doing it.
Cards are made of paper, they don't last forever. I suggest you use cheap bikes to practice a move until you are comfortable doing it. Then you might want to use you more prized ones.
Also, don't throw you used decks away just yet. You might find later on that those are in just the perfect state for some other moves...
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May 17, 2016
People seem to make this very very complicated but it is very easy to understand... An experienced magician would know that you always buy a new deck every day. Always start fresh.
May 17, 2016
A new deck everyday? That's absurd. An experienced magician is able to get more and more out of a broken-in deck.
You don't need to get rid of your old decks, it's just good to make sure you have a brand new deck if you're practicing shuffles or flourishes. It really depends what kind of magician you are. I guess I wasn't very clear on that.
May 19, 2010
You don't need to get rid of your old decks, it's just good to make sure you have a brand new deck if you're practicing shuffles or flourishes. It really depends what kind of magician you are. I guess I wasn't very clear on that.
I guess if you like the feel of a brand new deck and it works for you, go for it. For me, a brand new deck does not handle nearly as well as a week old deck that I've had a chance to break in. I would never perform a show with any deck right out of the box (unless the trick required a brand new deck and that was essential to the effect).
Aug 17, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
i have been practicing a number of shuffles and false cut but i have found they are damaging the ends of my cards. examples are : faro- riffle-card spring
I am not sure if constant card flourishing will damage cards over time or if my techniques are incorrect

the cards end are splitting apart/ their is a crease down the middle from card springs

The main thing is, they are cards and they are going to get battered after awhile. We as magicians put some work onto our decks of cards. I use regular bikes, and I usually pick up a couple of packs every week or every other week. I do a lot of springs and shuffles, but I actually like the deck when it is broken in and used a bit. Don't worry too much about it though man. I will say, they shouldn't be splitting down the middle though.
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Dec 31, 2015
In my experience, one of my decks of cards could very well last for months. When I first began learning shuffles, I ruined two packs of cards, but restricted myself to those two ruined decks until I got better. Doing the shuffles properly will save you much wear and tear, but proper card care will extend the life of your decks as well. I have released videos on my YouTube channel explaining proper card care, and how to riffle or faro shuffle. Personally, having gotten good with the faro shuffle, I use it to break in my decks, as it provides for a much more even treatment of cards. As far as remedies for your current problems, you may be putting too much force on the cards when you faro shuffle them. If you try to force cards the cards together, the ends will split, so my thoughts are to apply less pressure. As far as the card springs causing a crease down the center, I believe you are also putting to much pressure on the deck. Though I do not have the ability to spring cards due to a lack of hand strength, too much pressure can cause problems. My recommendation is this: If you have to force the cards to do something, you're doing something wrong. When moves are done properly, the cards should flow. I hope this helps.
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Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
Try springing by putting your hand on each corner of the card instead of the sides. That's how I do it and my cards have lasted longer because they don't bend down the middle.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
An experienced magician would know that you always buy a new deck every day. Always start fresh.
I have some deacks that art in excellent condition that are years old. As technique improves the life of the deck does as well. One thing that helps is to put a deck away after you use it for a while and switch. This gives your old decks a moment to relax.
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