I can do Sinful...

Sep 1, 2007
I don´t like messing around in front of a mirror with coins, that is why I only like practicing muscle pass - no mirror needed.

But I appreciate you guys who do that and true - Sinful is great.
Sep 1, 2007
My created impromtu Coin Across, D3laid Crossing. Made some adjustments after consulting some pros in the cafe. But Warning: Heavy Sleights ahead. I'll get a video up.

And of course 3 Fly III, Another Flipping 3 Fly, and next will be RetroFly.

Slapping for Compliment by Kainoa Harbottle. Not that heavy sleights, but really heavy. I'm not sure what is that suppose to mean.
Aug 31, 2007
Newton, MA
I know quite a lot of routines, but the only one I feel really comfertable doing is 3/4 Across by Gregory Wilson. Otherwise, I really only perform the others with my closest friends.
Aug 31, 2007
David Stone has put out 2 great DVD's on Coin Magic for Beginners (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2). Those are probably my only source for my coin magic apart from Sinful and Silver Dream. And even with just those 2 DVDs, I still learned a great amount of coin magic (palms, subtleties, vanishes, jumbo coin productions, etc.)

In my opinion, coin magic is harder than cards. But for some reason, coin magic looks much more elegant and more "matured" (<= it's hard to explain) than card magic. It's just my opinion.
A great coin trick that I perform on a regular basis is revolution, it's on Ellusionist and it truly is great, the best coin vanish in my repertoire.

I poerform it quite often even though I'm not big fan of coin magic, but it's still great.
Aug 31, 2007
Woah, certainly didn't expect to see Justin Miller pop-up after his, "birds will fly at 2 PM," statement.

I have to agree with Brundo. There may be a hella' lot of subtleties to learn with Silver Dream, but, it's very much worth it.

Then again, I can say the same for W:H's Sinful. I absolutely love how impromptu this effect is as well (Once again, subtleties apply).
Sep 1, 2007
coin magic

wuts up Wayne, if you want to perform coin magic like never before, get "In the Begining There were coins "

I recommend this dvd and they have a coins across routin that I know you will use.

PS: cant wait until distortion comes out. all of your effects get great reactions. :D
Sep 1, 2007
I highly reccomend looking into sankey's work.Check out his dvd Revolutionary coin magic.Also,Bobo's book,and David Roth is an excellent source as well.
Aug 31, 2007
Newton, MA
I can't really say I can do cylinder and coins, but watching it is incredible, and especially watching Justin Miller do it is just incredible. It really is a beauty to watch. And his Strolling Hands DVDs are just great all around.


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Orlando, FL
What is this cylindar and coins routine that everyone speaks of? I'll google that in a bit...

Anyway, I just started seriously studying coins over the summer break thanks to sitting at a bar with Kainoa Harbottle and Curtis Kam in Hawaii. Here's a list of coin effects that I'm currently practicing.

David Roth's Hanging Coins
Curtis Kam's Hanging Coins
Chris Kenner's The Deep
Chris Kenner's Menage Et Trois
Justin Miller's Silver Dream

Here's a list of coin effects I actually perform:
David Roth's Spellbound Routine
Scotch and Soda
My own routine of Hanging Coins (I love the hanging coins plot if you can't tell lol)
Aug 31, 2007
Hong Kong
What is this cylindar and coins routine that everyone speaks of? I'll google that in a bit...

Anyway, I just started seriously studying coins over the summer break thanks to sitting at a bar with Kainoa Harbottle and Curtis Kam in Hawaii. Here's a list of coin effects that I'm currently practicing.

David Roth's Hanging Coins
Curtis Kam's Hanging Coins
Chris Kenner's The Deep
Chris Kenner's Menage Et Trois
Justin Miller's Silver Dream

Here's a list of coin effects I actually perform:
David Roth's Spellbound Routine
Scotch and Soda
My own routine of Hanging Coins (I love the hanging coins plot if you can't tell lol)
you might also try the Hellbound trick which created by Chris Kenner , it is very awsome : ]

Jeremy Hanrahan

Craftsman, <a href="http://www.theory11.com/gear/h
Sep 1, 2007
Simcoe Ontario Canada
Hey Wayne, Cool site so far, anyways, a coin matrix is always nice, im a cardician myself, but DG's shade and only four are pretty nice effects if taken the time to use, then theres bobo's stuff, which is always great . i have some other stuff i think lying around, like my classic coin funnel, scotch and soda, i actually recently purchased impervious, which is a really cool bottle pentration, so yeah, email me if you want some more help Pickleman_23@hotmail.com

Manahan, I am glad you like Impervious. What handling do you use, Chris's or mine?


Jeremy Hanrahan
Sep 1, 2007
Hey guys!

The only coin magic that I know is Sinful... and a very bad coins across effect. I'd love to learn more & I'd love to see what you guys can do! I'll talk to you soon. Welcome.

Wayne Houchin

That's a big fat lie and you know it.
There used to be a video of you doing shadow coins on your website. It actually looked half decent too ;) so keep at it :) lol.
So there are at least three effects with coins that you can do.
Aug 31, 2007
It's funny how no one mentioned Digital Dissolve, when it is being sold on this very site itself.

- harapan. magic!
Sep 1, 2007

you should take a look at the coin vanish evolved (accidently posted as evolution that someone made a thread for on this forum)
BTW sinful is great
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