I got hired!

Indeed I have. I really like his stuff; very nicely thought out magic every single time. Nice thought on routining this with a rope routine.

I concur...David Regal is one of the best when it comes to that sorta thing in my opinion...

Thanks man! If you want, send me a PM and I'll give you the core idea of my patter and how I get into my cut and restored rope routine. :)

Another tip that I've been passed on is to not undersell other magicians in the area. This means charge the same or more than them. It may sound weird, but wait until you need their help... they won't help you if you're "the kid who does cheap, bad shows and costs me a lot of clients". Just something to think about... make sure that you don't undersell local magicians, and make sure you're worth the price you're asking!

Whatever you do, good luck with it!

At the moment there are 3 professionals in New Zealand. (Thats what one professional told me) Ive searched Google so many times, checked advertising, yellow pages. There are no other magicians in my area. (Who are working magicians). Im not sure how much to charge anyway.

All this stuff I showed at the BBQ was just my card stuff. All of it is visual and easy to understand. I already know some basics for sponge balls, and I have a DVD that teaches lots of moves. Plus I have David Stone's RStM and that has a Sponge routine on it as well as a rope routine. All I would need to wait for is the Chop Cup/Cup and Ball set. And Ive been researching many different presentations of it.

Anyway, I will take into account your advice, and I will only perform what I can do well and effectively. And thank you to everyone else who has poped in their two cents.

Cheers, Tom
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