I have $50, what should I buy?

Jan 13, 2008
You can send me some Split Spades Lions. It never hurts to be generous to your fellow magicians. ;)
May 19, 2008
you can get expert at the card table for free and legal.

go on... the authors website and you can download it for free (legal).

use the money to print all of it off.
also buy "the amature magicians handbook". best book ever, (official).
Aug 7, 2008
Like the people have said here, perfect the material you have now. once you a bit more advanced, i recommend By Forces Unseen by Stephen Minch. It has great material in the book.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I think everyone is wrong.

I personally think you have plenty of material, unless you've perfected everything you wish to learn from the things you listed.

Advice::Save the money. You don't have to put it into a savings account. Just put it away somewhere. Save it until something catches your eye. Don't ask for input. Just browse magic sites and product reviews until you find something you think you really want.

Wait and see what is put out by the bigger magic sites just in time for the holidays, penguin magic usually does tons of specials for the holidays.

Two cents...and I felt like being different, I've felt very run of the mill lately.

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