I love these forums so much...

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Sep 1, 2007
Hrmm....I think we can show our love for the T11 forums without bashing E. Different strokes for different folks. They are free to run their forums as they please in all honesty. Please take this the right way....if you don't like the food don't go back to the restaurant =)

That aside, I dig the questions and great conversation on these forums lately. There have been some incredibly stimulating conversations and questions posted over the last few days that really forced me to think deeply about my own magic and creativity.

Keep in mind that the freedom is great so long as it isn't abused. I would hate to see the screws tightened down around here because things got out of hand on a few threads. If someone says something you disagree with or makes an irrational post you can simply report it for being out of line, ignore it completely and let the mods deal with it, or make a well thought out response without being insulting in return.

We are beyond the comparisons here guys so lets just let things speak for themselves at this point. Keep up the great magic discussion and helping others along the way.


Nov 8, 2007
I like the magic E puts out but, as others have already pointed out, their forums are way too Nazi Germany. I too have had Mods insult me with a counter argument then close the thread to prevent me from responding. It's disrespectful and immature. Not to mention the Mods over there constantly contradict themselves with how they apply their standards for everyone else to themselves. Not my cup of tea.

Over the last few months the T11 forums have become my forums of choice when I'm looking to talk magic.

I find it to be much more enjoyable here as well. Keep up the good work, guys.
What I love is that I am able to support a ticket when I have a problem at breakfast time and have the problem solved before dinner. I love being able to communicate with the Artists in such a close way. We can ask them something about a trick or a flourish we need help on and get a straight foward answer from the creators. Not having to ask a source that you can't nessecarily trust, but someone who you know has the correct answer. This is my first forum I have been a member of and I feel so at home. I don't know if I could join another forum. I feel so welcomed here even though no one here really knows me very well. Everyone still treats me like a friend from kindergarten. :p

Thanks to the moderators for keeping it so free and enjoyable and welcoming.
And thanks to the creators who, well.... created,

Michael :D
Sep 1, 2007
I'm actually starving. I can't eat snacks for 2 weeks according to my nutritionist.


P.S. Yes, I love these forums too!

Well, for every cookie you don't eat, I'll die just a little bit on the inside. So by listening to your nutritionist, you're slowly killing me. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Sep 2, 2007

I'm closing this thread so that we can get back to the magic-- this thread has gotten way off-topic. Way off-topic and non-magic related, indeed.

Do note that all of your support and participation is appreciated more than anything. We all try our best to keep the theory11 forums the coolest on the internet. ;)

Thanks, guys! Word.

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