Everyday objects magic (I refer to it as organic magic) is one of my favorite genres of magic and what I primarily focus my creations in.
As far as money goes, I tend to go with a fire wallet, Prophet by Tom Isaacson, Fraud by Daniel Garcia, Coinbite, and Superman Coinbend 2.0 by Roy Keupers. For my walk-around close up street magic performances, I do a combination of my very own creation Doubting Thomas followed Break by Uday Jadugar. It's a fantastic penny routine and I will often borrow the penny from a spectator. You're probably not familiar with Doubting Thomas so I'll leave a trailer for it here:
My go to effect for borrowed object magic is an effect that I released right here on the Marketplace called No Pressure. No Pressure is great because you can borrow their empty water bottle, the magic takes place right in their hands, and they get to keep the altered object as a souvenir. If you like doing magic with water bottles you can also check out Uncrush by Eric Ross (WARNING: It is not a sure-fire trick and I've actually had it go wrong in front of a group of people

) and there is also Pen Through Bottle by Calen Morelli on his Function 9 DVD. It's a pretty solid effect that is even better with some slight modifications I made to it with other gimmicks.
For phone magic I would recommend Code Breaker by Michael Murray, City Prediction for iPhone by Soma, and Non-Toxic by Geraint Clarke. These need to be done with a borrowed iPhone. Android and Windows phones will not work.
For headphones I would recommend Saw by Sean Fields, Decibel by Adam Wilber, and Headphones Through Card by Adam Wilber.
Some others that I recommend are Dresscode by Calen Morelli, Pressure by Daniel Garcia, Double Deception Deluxe by Bob Swadling and Mark Mason, Healed and Sealed by Anders Moden, and Kolossal Killer by Kenton Knepper. Best of luck!