If you could have one deck for free, what would it be?

Personally, one deck for free would hardly be useful. It's only gonna get worn down through all the practising and performing. It's frikkin' amazing how much one spectator can crud up your cards just by laying hands on them!

Keep the expensive, over-hyped decks for those that give a rat's bottom. A free deck of blue tally's will do me nicely thank you.
If you got a Black Ghost deck and sold it for $300 (which is a good estimate for a sealed deck, but I've seen them go as high as $350), you could get 180 blue Tallys :eek:
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
If I could have any deck...I would want a deck that doesn't exsist right now, but could someday.

I would want a deck of Guardians that doesn't have a white border, but a black one giving the backings a look much like the back of the Guardians box. I would give them a UV500 airflow finish with casino grade stock.

Not too much of a difference, but just enough of a difference to have it not exsist now.

Maybe someday...

Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
im fine with my blue/red bicycles...dont see the point in going out of my way to get different cards when these work fine

saying that, id love to get stuff that isnt comercially avaible...aka gaff decks (decks, not individual cards..)
Sep 2, 2007
A deck that I would like is an invisible deck -- one that at the command of the magician becomes invisible.

Also, the 1928 Coca-Cola Deck of playing cards, which are selling on ebay for an excess of a $1,000.00, would be up there.

If you got a Black Ghost deck and sold it for $300 (which is a good estimate for a sealed deck, but I've seen them go as high as $350), you could get 180 blue Tallys :eek:

Wow, that's exactly what I said except it's six hours later -- Great Minds Do Think Alike (Or Plagiarize :D) :

Well, you can get a deck of Jerry's Nuggets or a Black Ghost deck, and then sell it :(, which would all you to buy about 200 blue Tally-Ho decks, so that you never run out of them with all the practicing and performing.


Aug 31, 2007
Maine, USA
If I could have any deck of cards, it wouldn't be for playing with them. Whats the sense of getting a free black ghost deck, and wearing them out, when you could sell them for 350$++ and get 100+ bicycles/tally's?. Sure, theres a different between the finish/stock/whatever else you can name, but unless you are professional or get very well paid, I don't see a point in using high priced cards. I've already handled jerry's, and had them given to me free ( Thanks Chris Kenner! :) ), and I won't lie, there nice. But if I could have just one deck for free, I'd probably take that 1,000$ + priced 1928 coca cola deck, and sell it, and get some bicycles.
Sep 2, 2007
Melb, Australia
for me, i would rather just a normal deck of bikes/tally ho's:

the reason is because:
you would be able to preform with them, with no fear of losing/destroying/bending the cards

but if it was just to keep around the house, BLACK GHOST DECK FOR SURE $$$$!
those are one sexy deck of cards right there
... haha, I can't wait to get flamed on this one... :rolleyes:

... I absolutely hate the new stylized E-cards out on the market... sure they're gorgeous, but they smell funny and instantly raise a brow of suspicion, they reek of trickery and instantly cause my audiences to suspect me before I even get started... frankly I don't like walking into that kind of hornet's nest...

... I got into this artform thinking that illusion relied upon recognizable constants, everyday objects like American quarters, wooden matchsticks, soda straws and cotton rope, #2 pencils and paper napkins, stuff like simple playing cards that you can buy at the local grocery store, not on some online wizardry boutique that will scare people before you break the seal because black is now white and vice versa...

... my favorite is and always will be a set of redback Bikes... if I want to get fancy and do something like a 3-card monte, maybe I'll pull out my blueback Bees instead...
Sep 17, 2007
definately the black ghost no doubt at all i think i would actually kill for a deck of them. not to open just to put on my shelf and stare at them all day. until i finally get bored and just have to show off with them!! :D
Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Hey guys I made a new deck of cards out of paper and I colored them black. There are only 15 of them made, I will sell them for $200 per deck that will feel exactly like paper you can get for 5 cents.
Sep 2, 2007
I would like to have a Black Jerry's Nugget deck.

definately the black ghost no doubt at all i think i would actually kill for a deck of them.

I wouldn't do that if I were you because I don't believe they allow any outside objects, such as a Black Ghost deck, inside prison. (I've never been there, so I'm not 100% sure, though.)

Hey guys I made a new deck of cards out of paper and I colored them black. There are only 15 of them made, I will sell them for $200 per deck that will feel exactly like paper you can get for 5 cents.

If you shred 14 of them, then, according to the law of demand, the law of supply, and the law of dynamic equalibrium and diminishing marginal utility, your final deck should be worth $0.002.

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