... haha, I can't wait to get flamed on this one...
... I absolutely
hate the new stylized E-cards out on the market... sure they're gorgeous, but they smell funny and instantly raise a brow of suspicion, they reek of trickery and instantly cause my audiences to suspect me before I even get started... frankly I don't like walking into that kind of hornet's nest...
... I got into this artform thinking that illusion relied upon recognizable constants, everyday objects like American quarters, wooden matchsticks, soda straws and cotton rope, #2 pencils and paper napkins, stuff like simple playing cards that you can buy at the local grocery store, not on some online wizardry boutique that will scare people before you break the seal because black is now white and vice versa...
... my favorite is and always will be a set of redback Bikes... if I want to get fancy and do something like a 3-card monte, maybe I'll pull out my blueback Bees instead...