Okay thanks will do I just don't have any ideas for routines for some reason.
I'll come out and say that learning how to write a routine will be one of the most difficult parts of this whole thing. I don't have any advice because I'm a beginner just like you, but from what I've seen on the forums, it's very difficult for one person (even a master magician) to tell another person how to write a routine. It's almost like trying to tell someone how to write a book. Beyond learning correct grammar and basic story structure, there isn't really a method to writing a novel--the best way to learn is to read lots of great books, write lots of stuff (even unrelated stuff), and eventually it will come out of you. It just takes daily study and practice. I believe magic is much the same. Watch lots of great routines, and then just try to script stuff together yourself.
I've only written one routine in my life. I basically saw three effects that had similar premises, and I decided to string them together and use them to demonstrate that luck is a real thing--with a little sleight of hand
. Each effect naturally built on the last, and so it was easy to script into one fluid demonstration. So my limited experience is just look at the stuff you know and see what naturally gravitates together in your mind, figure out why, and figure out how you can creatively present that to people.
As everyone has been saying, this will get easier the more basic magic you know. It's hard to write a novel if you only know 10 words. Get cracking on basic technique, and you'll start to understand the language of magic, and that will help you write your routines.
For resources on the basics, I would start with Royal Road to Card Magic. It's super affordable, has enough basic card magic to last you quite some time, and it will give you a solid foundation. It is a little old; so you'll have to work past some of the antique language, but if you can do that, it's TOTALLY worth the money/time you put in. And guess what, it even has some pre-built, pre-scripted routines in the back for you to practice with. I don't really care for the scripting, but it's not bad for workshop material.
PS. If you're interested in hearing the details of my routine, you can PM me, and we'll talk. I may not be able to reveal the details of the methods, but I can let you know the structure of the routine, and if you're interested I can point you to where you can learn the effects themselves if that's helpful to know. One of them is in Royal Road, actually.