Introducing CardTrickster!

Nov 16, 2012
I already know how to perform Impromptu, Mathematical, Selfworking, and easy to do card tricks. I ONLY know how to do Card Magic. I want to learn Coin Magic, and Rubber Band Magic. I also want to learn how to do difficult sleights, tricks, and flourishes.

I perform close up, I want to perform on Stage someday... My dream :D

I want to get better at my performance style, presentation skills, audience management skills, and entertainment value.
Again ATM I can only perform Card Magic and nothing else. And the only types of Card Magic I can perform are Impromptu, Mathematical, Selfworking, and easy to do tricks. Nothing difficult, No sleights, No gimmicks, etc.

I hope you understand. In general I need help in all of the above, and I want to be a better performer.

ATM I am only an Average Performer, with 3 years experience. I am 14 years old.
Jan 22, 2012
Again ATM I can only perform Card Magic and nothing else. And the only types of Card Magic I can perform are Impromptu, Mathematical, Selfworking, and easy to do tricks. Nothing difficult, No sleights, No gimmicks, etc.

ATM I am only an Average Performer, with 3 years experience. I am 14 years old.

Obviously you cannot excel in magic if you are just going to stick with these kinds of tricks. It's fine to have them, there's nothing wrong with that, but if you're not willing to spend money on props and try to evolve in magic, then you're always going to be a trickster. Like you said, you've had 3 years of experience. With three years of experience you should've been off these route a long time ago. It seems like you only perform for yourself because you're not willing to do anything else. So my advice for you is if you're not willing to spend money on magic and just use pirated PDFs and bad forums, just go to a library. A library has a lot more wealth of information on magic then the material you're using right now.
Sep 1, 2007
That's what came to my mind as well.. Props to you Steerpike, for still taking this guy seriously.

I don't give up on people until they show they have zero interest in learning. At which point they can go eat a bag of dicks.

Yeah they're pirated.

Well, that's going to change. I won't lie, I used to torrent material. When I was penniless and suffocating in student loan debt (only one of those two has changed, incidentally). But it's a practice I have long since given up.

What you need are resources that give you the greater value for your money. If you don't have a copy of Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic, that's the first thing you need to correct. Buy a hard copy, it's only $20. You can get the compact, smaller print version Mark Wilson's Cyclopedia of Magic for $10 if you're really strapped for cash. Most libraries have a copy you can check out, but it's one of those books that you really should own.

As Arman pointed out, you should have moved beyond your current point 2 years ago. This is why you don't want to hang out with wannabes. They'll never push you to something better. I can't say more until I see what you already have.
Jan 22, 2012
I am 14, so I can't afford buying props, books, and gimmicks. That's why I use pirated material. I am sorry for that reason :(

I'm 14 years old as well. I usually just go to my local library and even my school library and you will not believe what kind of magic material that's there. Also you can always ask props as birthday presents. You could also work like mow lawn or shovel snow to earn money.
Nov 16, 2012
At our libraries we only have a small handful of useful material. My parents don't want me to perform Magic, so they won't buy me anything related to Magic :(
Nov 16, 2012
You need to show them that you're really dedicated to magic and still maintain grades at school.

It's not the school problem. It's different.

Long story short:

In our religion gambling is frowned upon, and anything related to gambling is also frowned upon. As we know "Cards" are the pet prop in gambling. Therefore cards are apparently frowned upon too. So that's why my parents won't let me buy anything related to Magic (cards).

I'm totally screwed over, that's why I use Pirated material, I really have no choice. My parents will never let me buy anything related to cards, because of this stupid reason. If I had the money, I would buy rather than use pirated material. Or even if my parents offered to buy the book for me, I would surely say yes. But because of this lame reason, I'm screwed, and left with no choice, but to use pirated material. That's the real reason I run around these free/exposing Magic forums, namely LMT and SoMF, just to learn effects for free, as I can't buy them. :(
But I also go to LMT and SoMF as they're good learning communities, and I like to hangout in Magic communities. I like to share and learn :D
That's why I'm here as well.

I hope you understand my reasoning.

Cheers, CardTrickster
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Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
The only thing that limits your options are your beliefs in what you are capable of.

Also, You don't need that many effects. As Steerpike said, so many magicians (or younoobs) see a lack of effects to be the root of their problems in magic, and what they need to develop to get better. Which is the absolute farthest thing from the truth. Take someone with three effects, lets just say an ACR, a triumph, and here then there. With just those three effects, you can spend years practicing and growing as a magician. Learning how to script, present, and be a general showman. I guess it really comes down to what you want out of magic, but if your in magic because you love creating a magical moment between you and the spectators, then looking for more effects is not the path you need to be on. You need to develop yourself as a magician first, with either what you have, or starting with a good beginners book like Royal Road To Card Magic.

Also, please don't try and play the pity card on us because of your situation. We have all had challenges to overcome; if you truly love this art, then you can overcome them, grow from them. The only thing that limits your options are your beliefs in what you are capable of.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
You have a choice... Become a real magician or be a wannabe. The folks here are real magicians. Steerpike, Arman, Tyler and the others. If you want to be a real magician, listen to their advice and ditch the exposure forums and delete the pirated material.

If your parents are opposed to cards and you have no money, how do you get decks for your effects? Where do you perform without them knowing? Do you hide your decks in your room? I think you are feeding us a bunch of BS with that story (especially since you first said you didn't have enough money). If I'm wrong, I apologize... But I don't think I am. If you aren't telling us some BS, then I suspect that your parents would be a little upset about you stealing the PDFs (as well as any pirated videos) - because that is what you are doing.

The book Steerpike mentioned has all sorts of magic, not just cards. Your parents may be willing to let you have something like that. If not check out Bobo's Modern Coin Magic - no cards there. Also, research Gospel Magic. Many people use magic to teach about their religion. If your parents objection is based in religion, then letting them know about how many use magic to teach about religion and faith may change their mind.

As others have said, you have many choices.
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