Is this a good set for walkaround?

Jul 31, 2015
i was thinking of introducing myself and ask them there names
Then get into the set
I want to open with
ODD by Marcus Eddie
pull out regular deck and do a card trick


Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
Those are some great effects. I think that you need to expand a bit more. Do some non-card tricks. I'm a huge supporter of card magic. I'm not one of those people that thinks card magic is bad. So just expand your magic.
Apr 18, 2016
If you are confident with your tricks, and comfortable with performing them, then your set should be just fine. Out of curiosity, which card tricks do you plan on doing?

i was thinking of introducing myself and ask them there names
Then get into the set
I want to open with
ODD by Marcus Eddie
pull out regular deck and do a card trick

I've been hearing everyone recommend that I get into a sponge ball routine. I think the fact that you are doing this should definitely entertain your audience. Now I just need to find a routine that fits me...
Apr 7, 2016
I've been hearing everyone recommend that I get into a sponge ball routine. I think the fact that you are doing this should definitely entertain your audience. Now I just need to find a routine that fits me...
I have nothing against sponge balls, I just think they don't have any meaning. To a magician they are red sponge balls, but to a spectator, what are they. To me they have no context.
Oct 19, 2015
I have nothing against sponge balls, I just think they don't have any meaning. To a magician they are red sponge balls, but to a spectator, what are they. To me they have no context.

Guess you have not looked into the eyes of a young child as they watch someone perform with Sponge Balls! Then you will see the real impact that good magic can have! Also, learning to do good Sponge Balls, leads a magician to doing good coin tricks, and many other avenues of magic that require good slight of hand skills.....Sponge Balls is one of the best avenues of entry into these many other forms of magic....! I suggest you reconsider...
Apr 7, 2016
I said I have nothing wrong with sponge balls, and yes I have seen the face of a young child while they see me using a sponge ball. What I am going at is that sponge balls would not fit ME. I should of said is this, sponge balls would be great for a walk around piece, but they would not work for me.
Sponge Balls is one of the best avenues of entry into these many other forms of magic....! I suggest you reconsider...
Yes sponge balls help start a wide entry to magic( in fact they helped me with my start) just to me this is not what I would preform any more. Sorry to cause any misunderstanding.
Oct 19, 2015
That clears that up for the way, well done on winning your schools talent contest....that is a big deal and shows you have worked hard to put a good show together....

Send us a list of the trick you used in your show....! The guy that inspired me to start magic was an older brother of my friend who in High School won all kinds of talent shows. I lost track of him years ago, but I am sure he went professional for a time.....

Good luck
Apr 7, 2016
I can't tell you the name for the tricks I did because..... well I don't know the names to them. I can tell you my finisher was a color changing deck. But other wise all I can tell you is that the first two effects was a card appearing between two aces. I was cooler than it sounds.
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Nov 10, 2014
I have nothing against sponge balls, I just think they don't have any meaning. To a magician they are red sponge balls, but to a spectator, what are they. To me they have no context.
To a spectator they are bunnies. At least that is one presentation.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
I have nothing against sponge balls, I just think they don't have any meaning. To a magician they are red sponge balls, but to a spectator, what are they. To me they have no context.
You could make them mean anything you want! I recently had an idea to get an old set of Jay Sankey's Earplugs and paint them to look like minions and then those little bastards would jump all over the place and multiply like mad. People would totally dig that.
Jul 31, 2015
You could make them mean anything you want! I recently had an idea to get an old set of Jay Sankey's Earplugs and paint them to look like minions and then those little bastards would jump all over the place and multiply like mad. People would totally dig that.
That's pretty genius lol


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
With regards to sponge balls, I only work adult and corporate shows, and when I do sponge balls I get some of the loudest reactions. Last year I had one lady who as soon as she opened her hands and saw two balls instead of one, she screamed, launch out of her chair and shove me with both hands. The table roared with laughter. It’s a great effect.

i was thinking of introducing myself and ask them there names
Then get into the set
I want to open with
ODD by Marcus Eddie
pull out regular deck and do a card trick


As for the routine, the tricks and their order don’t matter much unless they inherently build on themselves. For instance recently I have been doing coins across as an opener, (I leave the coins on the table), then Joker’s Wild, then have them sign a coin and use the joker for Cointum Leap. So the props are being used in tandem.

If you are not doing that, then the most important part is to consider your transitions. Why do you do the next trick? Why would you go back to cards after doing something else? Create reasons for the transitions and communicate that to your audience through your banter. For example, in your approach, say that you want to show them something unique (or ‘odd’). Do the ODD trick for them and comment how they picked that one unique card. Then say that you have something else unique (produce a sponge ball). Ask something like “It’s a sponge ball! Have you ever seen anything like it before? You might think a sponge this size would be useless, but you can actually do a lot with it…”

To be honest, in a busy walk around setting, that might be all the time you have. But if you wanted to add another card trick (or any other trick for that matter) you might finish by saying something like “now I want to show you the most unique (or ‘oddest’) thing of all…” That way the effects can all tie in together.

The basic principles of Openers should be quick, more visual, and have catchy presentations; closer should be the strongest piece of magic etc. apply of course. But the combinations are so so many. In my head, it’s the transitions or themes that really bring it all into one cohesive strolling piece.

Remember, you are not just showing a table some tricks, you are giving each guest a mini magic show. You want it to have the same exciting beginning, growing action, and climax of an actual show. Shows are cohesive and fluid. Props are managed and their introductions make sense. There is a focus in a show (theme or purpose). The best part of walk around is that your connections with the audience are more intimate.

Which actually makes me think of the last part I was going to mention: for me, when a stranger asks my name, I’m cautious. I would worry that asking all their names upfront might hinder the approach (does anyone else do this? I could easily be wrong). Also that uses valuable time. They want to know you and why you are there. Asking names is a perfect thing to do, but that might be the wrong timing. I do it as I ask people to participate. I may only learn 3-4 names at the table, but more than that I would forget anyway. If you can remember 8 names per table without struggle, you should make that part of your magic! Ha! “My final piece is that I still remember your names!” Dale Carnegie talks about how forgetting people’s names can be a terrible thing when trying to make a good impression.

Walk around is the bombdiggity. You will enjoy it!
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