Is this ethical?

May 6, 2013
Hi guys, as the magic scene in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is pretty down, I do not get to perform as much as I like to. And I have like two dozens of my own originals effects and around 15 spin offs to old classics. I think western magicians get more of a chance performance wise.

Therefore, I am thinking of making youtube tutorials to my original effects and releasing them as a web series. I have blown off an arab media company that approached me for this project because I want it to be non profit...and also because I want to use Dana Hocking's released music (remember? its only for non commercial users).

HOWEVER, the question is...Me producing free tutorials to my own effects. is it ethical? Or will the magic community be pissed at me just like they are at Val Valentino (thats the masked guy's name right?).

I really don't want to sell my stuff. I am religiously a hobbyist magician. So is it fine if I make a free web series?

Vinnie C.

cardistry moderator / t11
Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
As long as they are original effects, there's no reason you couldn't teach them. The only issue most people have is when magicians teach other people's effects without their permission.

If you're only teaching your own material, and being sure to credit for any sleights you use by other magicians, it should be fine.

May 6, 2013
It's perfectly fine as long as their your own original effects. (by the way, you can release them on the Wire for free.)


Elite Member
Dec 20, 2010
If Dana Music is DRM free and can be used publicly(or a license to use for non profit), then you can release your effect on the Wire for free. The T11 team will take care of your video, so do not worry ;)
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