Is this new?

Sep 1, 2007
would you buy it if its on wire?? And how much are you ready to pay?

As of this time of writing, you only came up with this 8 hours ago, you don't know if it's original or not, you've never performed it for a live audience in the context of an actual routine... and you're already trying to talk us out of our money? I would lecture you about having some perspective, but let's get a handle on tact first.

Actually, you know what? Let's talk perspective anyway. You are just chomping at the bit to put something you've never performed on the Wire. That conjures up one word in my brain in 50-foot tall neon letters: DESPERATE. You sell something to solve a problem. What problem does this solve? What need does this fulfill? Why are you tipping your hand so obviously? Everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to be sold to.

Now is this original? Pretty sure I've seen this before. Which makes this whole situation even more unflattering.

Here's some free advice: don't "invent" crap just to sell it.
Oct 19, 2012
As of this time of writing, you only came up with this 8 hours ago, you don't know if it's original or not, you've never performed it for a live audience in the context of an actual routine... and you're already trying to talk us out of our money? I would lecture you about having some perspective, but let's get a handle on tact first.

Actually, you know what? Let's talk perspective anyway. You are just chomping at the bit to put something you've never performed on the Wire. That conjures up one word in my brain in 50-foot tall neon letters: DESPERATE. You sell something to solve a problem. What problem does this solve? What need does this fulfill? Why are you tipping your hand so obviously? Everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to be sold to.

Now is this original? Pretty sure I've seen this before. Which makes this whole situation even more unflattering.

Here's some free advice: don't "invent" crap just to sell it.

Yeah man ur kind a righht .i thoght it would be cool to have my trick on wire so that everyone can do my trick , i think everyone who is new to inventing original magic thinks the same . Like Joshua jay wrote a book of magic when he was just 16 , i too get the same feeling man i am also 16 and i feel if joshua can publish a book why cant i just publish my trick . And you are telling me the move already exists ,tell me where it was first published and who came up with this??
Sep 1, 2007
And you are telling me the move already exists ,tell me where it was first published and who came up with this??

I'm saying it looks very familiar. I can't name a specific source as card magic is not my specialization. What I can tell you is that I have repeatedly thought that I invented something new, but when I combed through the Jinx on a hunch I found out that Anneman had already published before even my dad was born. It is really hard to come up with something new.
Sep 1, 2007
No mate , its really easy to come up with something new if you know whats been done before

You're talking about an artform that has existed since before written language. That is a very bigass "if" and getting there is difficult as hell. Mastery of a skill follows 5 stages without exception in exactly this order:

1. Imitation
2. Comprehension
3. Evaluation
4. Invention
5. Innovation

Getting to stage 3 can take years on its own. Most people never make it to stage 5. Respect this learning process or you're going to sabotage yourself. Learning this is difficult, but that's what makes it worth doing. You might think it's easy, but there's a different between optimism and self-delusion.
Jan 10, 2009
University Park PA
If you want to go about selling your trick, you have to give buyers a reason to want to buy it. What does your control help me accomplish that I can't do with the multitude of controls I already know? Have you built tricks using this control so that I might get a feel for possible applications?

And I completely agree with Steerpike. It's relatively easy to come up with something YOU have never seen before. But for that thing to be completely original and have NEVER been thought up before? Significantly more difficult.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Josh Jay may have written a book at 16, but how long had he been thoroughly studying magic before then? I'm pretty sure I recall him starting in the single digits of age. Not to mention Joshua Jay is a really good magician and writer.

There's a control pretty much identical to this on Ollie Mealing's latest release. I've seen variations of it for years. It's not even remotely new. I'm pretty sure I've used this, actually.

This is my issue with The Wire. While it's certainly not the origin of the issue, it definitely pushes this mentality of inventing something just to sell it. There used to be an inbuilt system of filtering out bad releases, but with publishing being pushed more and more into the hands of the general populace, that filter is basically gone and that's why so much crap is out there now.

Don't worry about releasing material. Worry about making good material to perform yourself, then later when you've actually refined it and vetted it, you can think about releasing it.
Jun 5, 2013
This control has been done before. A dear friend of mine showed me the same trick, but not the same variation.
Dec 29, 2011
Even if its not the exact handling, this would contribute nothing to the world if it was on the WIRE. Its not new or original, its one of millions of double lift variations.
Aug 17, 2012
Nearly all of the ambitious card routines I have seen other magicians do, consist on using a slight variation on that - it is very old and sadly, completely unoriginal.
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