Is vanishing magic good to buy tricks from?

Feb 17, 2018
Hello everyone, I'll keep it short this time.

I'm thinking about buying a trick from this website in the coming week and I wanted everyones opinion (if you have used them before) on what they were like as far as service and whether the tricks came as described. I will do a bit more research myself but thought where better to go than here for some added advice.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
The folks at Vanishing, Inc. are top notch. I buy a lot of stuff from them (especially on Black Friday). Andy, Josh and their team are great to deal with and if something is not right, they make it right. As for the "tricks", you will get the effect you order. Whether it is as described really reflects on the person who is marketing the effect (a lot of what Vanishing does is resell other effects). The material (especially the books) that Vanishing produces are very good -- I've never regretted buying anything from them.
Feb 17, 2018
I will most likely buy demon them next week, it's a trick by Joshua Jay and I've had my eye on it for a while so I plan on getting it before I lose the plot thinking about it thank you for your advice.
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