Joker Routine

Sep 20, 2009
Cheers mate.

yeah half passing a couple cards is much harder then doing a bulk of them.

just tried it right now, if you tilt your hand down more, and let gravity do the work you wouldn't flash a'tall. and with more misdirection you should have plenty more shade.

if you just relax right before you do the move, and do it on the off beat you should be fine

i'd love to see the finished product mate
Jun 1, 2009
Cheers mate.

yeah half passing a couple cards is much harder then doing a bulk of them.

just tried it right now, if you tilt your hand down more, and let gravity do the work you wouldn't flash a'tall. and with more misdirection you should have plenty more shade.

if you just relax right before you do the move, and do it on the off beat you should be fine

i'd love to see the finished product mate

Alright I'll try that.

Thanks man, I'm still tossing ideas around but I'll be sure to post it here once its done
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