Let's talk about the free wheel spin

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Elite Member
Sep 4, 2015
Wow someone won a mailchimp summer edition! That’s just awesome and a great prize! Thanks for all the free goodies Theory11! Also by the way will the mailchimp summer edition ever be brought to the archive for an insane amount of points? Or is there anything else coming to the archive? I got a lot of FREE points from the contest to spend :) Anyway thanks for all you guys do!
Dumping the code IS a problem, simply because it would allow the possibility of someone finding vulnerabilities and then cheating. We have issues with cheaters every single year even without the code being publicly available. We have no plans to release the code at this time.
Yes please don't! I can already see several ways this could be an issue with cheating. Everyone just trust the integrity of the site administrators that they have kept everything as fair as possible. The minute they start announcing the workings of the wheel will cause issues.
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Mar 2, 2016
United States
Yes please don't! I can already see several ways this could be an issue with cheating. Everyone just trust the integrity of the site administrators that they have kept everything as fair as possible. The minute they start announcing the workings of the wheel will cause issues.

Not even to mention how the actual site itself could be exploited, not just rigging the wheel if the code was divulged. If the wheel was found to be manipulated, I could easily see T11 shutting down the whole holiday contest for good.
Dec 6, 2019
Has anyone won any of the grand prizes yet? I have gotten some great elite points, but of course I always get my hopes up for getting something bigger? So just wondering? Thanks for the wheel this year it’s great!

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Has anyone won any of the grand prizes yet? I have gotten some great elite points, but of course I always get my hopes up for getting something bigger? So just wondering? Thanks for the wheel this year it’s great!

We've awarded the Canon prize, Instant Magic Collection, Instant Card Collection, and probably more that I don't remember off the top of my head. We've also awarded a bunch of free decks, and quite a few signed decks.

// L
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