This sounds like a good idea for a Michael Ammar joke, but I just can't quite get it formed.Dude, if you happen to end up passing 2 quarters instead, I will bow down to you. That would be the ultimate effect. long as it goes down....some docs will say that...nickel posioning is possible..but good thing its only a small percent of nickel in it...bust still check a never hurts...hope all goes well...So i was performing a coin trick with a half dollar and while i was performing it someone came up behind me and scared me....well, i ended up swallowing the half dollar. My question is, has anyone else done this before? And, can that hurt my insides? I feel pretty dumb asking these questions and feel even dumber doing it, but its got me pretty freaked out right now. Any feedback?
We have a bunch of 8x10s of the "Formals" of our wedding party sitting in a couple of bookshelves scattered about our house. Theyre not huge 12x16s like we have sitting above our fireplace of just the two of us, but they are out on display
Nice pics
I am always struggling at the perspectives of guns...but you did a pretty good job with the last one