Magic Castle Audition Routine... ?

Jul 11, 2012
Hey guys,
I know I posted a forum on this subject a few weeks ago. I would like to get some input on these tricks (how they would look in an audition for the Junior Society at the Magic Castle.. I was thinking about preforming>>>
1. A four card transpo with aces and kings. It's kinda like repro retro and it's called "Re-twist."
2. A classic trick of some sort possibly "Oil and Water?' Would that look good?
3. And maybe a sandwich routine or something else. Don't know yet. Maybe a coin routine.

SOOO yah thats basically it. I don't do much with coins so I don't know if I should put them in my audition. I mainly focus on cards. IF you guys have any advice that would help me feel FREE to pitch in and help! Thanks

Mar 6, 2010
Hey! I am a junior member at the Magic-Castle. Those effects sound all good. Just make sure your routine does not exceed 5 minutes because if it does, you will automatically be disqualified. However, I do not recommend a routine that is only 2-3 minutes long. Try to aim in the 4-4:30 minute range. I hope that helps. And, I look forward to meeting you in September!
Jul 11, 2012
I have only been doing magic for 2 years? Is that enough? I preform as much as possible and i feel like i do alot
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