Magic Library

Aug 19, 2008
I'm looking to expand my magic library. What books do you guys have? I have Expert at the Card Table and Modern Coin Magic.
Oct 19, 2015
My best book is "Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic"... I found a copy on ebay that was lightly used!

I know many other posts are on here giving lists of books that people have posted. Do a 'search' for magic books....I think you will find lots of lists....

Good luck


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
@DominusDolorum This question is off topic. Judging by your profile pic, are you by any chance a Death Note fan?
I am! I sort of appropriated this into my identity for several reasons:
1. I love Death Note (See link for my reaction to the Netflix adaptation:
2. When my partner and I met we bonded over Death Note.
3. One day we exchanged gifts and we gave each other the same thing; an L pendant. I wore this every day for 6 years until the clasp broke and lost it in the snow. I am still heartbroken over this.
Jan 19, 2019
I am! I sort of appropriated this into my identity for several reasons:
1. I love Death Note (See link for my reaction to the Netflix adaptation:
2. When my partner and I met we bonded over Death Note.
3. One day we exchanged gifts and we gave each other the same thing; an L pendant. I wore this every day for 6 years until the clasp broke and lost it in the snow. I am still heartbroken over this.

That is so cool!!! Death Note is my favorite anime and I completely agree with your reaction of the Netflix adaptation lol. I also bonded with a friend over Death Note and he helped me film some street magic. Just this last Christmas one of my other friends gave me the complete series on bluray. Sorry to hear about the pendant, I can't imagine how cool that would look to see in person. Nice to see another fan of the series.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
What books do you guys have?
13 Steps to Mentalism - Tony Corinda
52 Memories - Retrospective Edition - Book by Andi Gladwin and Jack Parker
A Book in English - Woody Aragon
Ambitious Card Omnibus - Daryl
Apocalypse Volume 1 - Harry Lorraine
Apocalypse Volume 2 - Harry Lorraine
Apocalypse Volume 3 - Harry Loraine
Approaching Magic by David Regal
Arcade Dreams - Rachembauer
Aretology of Vanni Bossi - Stephen Minch
Art and Artifice - Jim Steinmeyer
Art of Astonishment 1 - Paul Harris
Art of Astonishment 2 - Paul Harris
Art of Astonishment 3 - Paul Harris
Art of Switching Decks - Roberto Giobbi
Artificial Conclusions - Jim Steinmeyer
Best of All Worlds
Best of Slydini Volume 1 - Karl Fulves
Best of Slydini Volume 2 - Karl Fulves
Bloomberg Laboratories - Andi Glad-win
Books of Wonder Volume 1 - Tommy Wonder
Books of Wonder Volume 2 - Tommy Wonder
Bullet Party - John Bannon
Card College Light -Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lighter - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lightest - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 1 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 2 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 3 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 4 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 5 - Roberto Gibbon
Card Control - Arthur Buckley
Card Magic of Nick Troast
Card Trick Semi Automatic - Dani DaOrtiz
Cardially Yours - Marlo
Cardshark - Darwin Ortiz
Carneycopia - John Carney
Close-up And Personal - David Regal
Collected Almanac - Richard Kauffman
Complete Walton - Volume 1
Complete Walton - Volume 2
Complete Walton - Volume 3
Confidences - Roberto Giobbi
Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
Constant Fooling 1 - David Regal
Constant Fooling 2 - David Regal
Count, Cuts and Subtleties - Jerry Menzler
Dear Mr. Fantasy - John Bannon
Designing Miracles - Darwin Ortiz
DeSouza’s Deceptions - Marc DeSouza
Destination Zero - John Bannon
Destroyers - Troy Hooser
Device and Illusion - Jim Steinmeyer
Discoveries & Deceptions - John Guastaferro
Drawing Room Deceptions - Guy Hollingsworth
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Jean Hugged
Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic - Frank Garcia
Experience of Magic - Eugune Burger
Expert at the Card Table - S.W. Redness
Expert Card Technique - Hugard and Braue
Expert Coin Magic - David Roth
Five Points in Magic - Juan Tamariz
Five.Impossible.Things. - John Bannon
Full Bloom 1 - Gaeten Bloom
Full Bloom 2 - Gaeten Bloom
Further Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Gift Magic - Larry Haas
Greater Magic (Kauffman Edition) - John Northern Hilliard
Handsome Jack - John Lovick
Hidden in Plain Sight - Kirk Charles
High Calliber - John Bannon
High Spots - Caleb Wiles
Hofzinser - Volume 1 - Magic Christian
Hofzinser - Volume 2 - Magic Christian
Hugard’s Magic Manual - Jean Hugard
Impossibilia - John Bannon
Impostress Princess - Peter Tappan
Impromptu by Marin Gardner
Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Jennings 67 - Larry Jennings
Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women - Ricky Jay
Legendary Hierophant
Lessons in Card Mastery - Darwin Ortiz
Life, Death and Other Card Tricks - Robert E. Neale
Lost Notebooks of John Hilliard
Maelstrom - Tom Stone
Magic and Meaning Expanded - Eugene Burger / Robert Neale
Magic and Showmanship - Dariel Fitzke
Magic by Misdirection - Dariel Fitzke
Magic from the Soul - Rene Lavand
Magic Kettle - Jeffery Atkins
Magic Matters - Robert Neale
Magic Mirror (The) - Robert Neale / David Parr
Magic of Alan Wakening - Jim Steinmeyer
Magic of Ascanio Volume 1 - Structural Conception of Magic - Arturo Ascanio
Magic of Ascanio Volume 2 - Studies of Card Magic - Arturo Ascanio
Magic of Ascanio Volume 3 - More Studies of Card Magic - by Arturo de Ascanio
Magic of LePaul - Paul LePaul
Magic Way - Juan Tamaritz
Magical Mathematics - Persi Diaconis
Magical World of Slydini (two volume set) - Karl Fulves
Mark Wilson’s Complete Course
Mastering the Art of Magic - Eugene Burger
Maximum Entertainment - Ken Webber
Megawave - John Bannon
Mentalissimo - John Bannon
Mind, Myth and Magik - T.A. Waters
Mnemonica - Juan Tamara
Modern Art - Jim Steinmeyer
Modern Coin Magic - Bobo (Paperback)
Moments - Troy Hooser
More Power to You - David Acer
Mysteries of My Life - Rene Lavand
New Look at the Okito Box - Lewis Ganson
New Modern Coin Magic - Bobo (Hardcover)
Newsletter Tricks - Mathieu Rich
One Degree - John Gustaferro
Paper Engine - Aaron Fisher
Paramiracles - Ted Leslie
Paths to Enchantment - Malcom Jaffe
Performance Of Close-Up Magic - Eugene Burger
Practical Mental Magic - Theodore Annemann
Prism - Max Maven
Professional Magic for Children - David Ginn
Psychological Subtleties 1 - Banachek
Psychological Subtleties 2 - Banachek
Psychological Subtleties 3 - Banachek
Pure Effect - Darren Brown
Random Acts of Magic - David Acer
Real Secrets of the Chinese Linking Rings - Peter Biro
Relaxed Impossibilities - Ken Krenzel
Roy Benson by Starlight - Todd Karr and Levent
Royal Road to Card Magic - Hugard and Brace
Scarne on Card Tricks - John Scarne
Scarne on Card Tricks (New Copy) - John Scarne
Scarne’s Magic Tricks - John Scarne
Scripting Magic - Peter McCabe
Secret Agenda - Roberto Giobbi
Secret History of Magic - Peter Lamont / Jim Steinmeyer
Secret Ways of Al Baker - Todd Kar
Secrets of Brother John Hamman - Richard Kaufman
Secrets of So Sato -Richard Kaufman and So Sato
Self Working Handkerchief Magic - Karl Fulves
Self Working Mental Magic - Karl Fulves
Self Working Rope Magic - Karl Fulves
Seriously Silly - David Kaye
Show Doctor - Jeff McBride
Sinful - A Graphic Novel - Wayne Houchin
Smoke and Mirrors - John Bannon
Stars of Magic
Strong Magic - Darwin Ortiz
Subsequent Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Tangled Web - Eric Mead
Tarbell Course Volume 1
Tarbell Course Volume 2
Tarbell Course Volume 3
Tarbell Course Volume 4
Tarbell Course Volume 5
Tarbell Course Volume 6
Tarbell Course Volume 7
Tarbell Course Volume 8
Technique and Understanding - Jim Steinmeyer
The Conference Illusions - Mike Caveney
This is Not a Book - Robert Neale
Totally Out of Control - Chris Kenner
Transformations - Creating Magic out of Tricks - Larry Haas
Trick Brain - Dariel Fitzke
Verbal Magic - Juan Tamara
Vortex - Tom Stone
WD-40 - Wayne Dobson
Wildcard Miracles - Frank Garcia
Wonders - Mike Caveney
Feb 25, 2018
13 Steps to Mentalism - Tony Corinda
52 Memories - Retrospective Edition - Book by Andi Gladwin and Jack Parker
A Book in English - Woody Aragon
Ambitious Card Omnibus - Daryl
Apocalypse Volume 1 - Harry Lorraine
Apocalypse Volume 2 - Harry Lorraine
Apocalypse Volume 3 - Harry Loraine
Approaching Magic by David Regal
Arcade Dreams - Rachembauer
Aretology of Vanni Bossi - Stephen Minch
Art and Artifice - Jim Steinmeyer
Art of Astonishment 1 - Paul Harris
Art of Astonishment 2 - Paul Harris
Art of Astonishment 3 - Paul Harris
Art of Switching Decks - Roberto Giobbi
Artificial Conclusions - Jim Steinmeyer
Best of All Worlds
Best of Slydini Volume 1 - Karl Fulves
Best of Slydini Volume 2 - Karl Fulves
Bloomberg Laboratories - Andi Glad-win
Books of Wonder Volume 1 - Tommy Wonder
Books of Wonder Volume 2 - Tommy Wonder
Bullet Party - John Bannon
Card College Light -Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lighter - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lightest - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 1 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 2 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 3 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 4 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Volume 5 - Roberto Gibbon
Card Control - Arthur Buckley
Card Magic of Nick Troast
Card Trick Semi Automatic - Dani DaOrtiz
Cardially Yours - Marlo
Cardshark - Darwin Ortiz
Carneycopia - John Carney
Close-up And Personal - David Regal
Collected Almanac - Richard Kauffman
Complete Walton - Volume 1
Complete Walton - Volume 2
Complete Walton - Volume 3
Confidences - Roberto Giobbi
Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
Constant Fooling 1 - David Regal
Constant Fooling 2 - David Regal
Count, Cuts and Subtleties - Jerry Menzler
Dear Mr. Fantasy - John Bannon
Designing Miracles - Darwin Ortiz
DeSouza’s Deceptions - Marc DeSouza
Destination Zero - John Bannon
Destroyers - Troy Hooser
Device and Illusion - Jim Steinmeyer
Discoveries & Deceptions - John Guastaferro
Drawing Room Deceptions - Guy Hollingsworth
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Jean Hugged
Encyclopedia of Sponge Ball Magic - Frank Garcia
Experience of Magic - Eugune Burger
Expert at the Card Table - S.W. Redness
Expert Card Technique - Hugard and Braue
Expert Coin Magic - David Roth
Five Points in Magic - Juan Tamariz
Five.Impossible.Things. - John Bannon
Full Bloom 1 - Gaeten Bloom
Full Bloom 2 - Gaeten Bloom
Further Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Gift Magic - Larry Haas
Greater Magic (Kauffman Edition) - John Northern Hilliard
Handsome Jack - John Lovick
Hidden in Plain Sight - Kirk Charles
High Calliber - John Bannon
High Spots - Caleb Wiles
Hofzinser - Volume 1 - Magic Christian
Hofzinser - Volume 2 - Magic Christian
Hugard’s Magic Manual - Jean Hugard
Impossibilia - John Bannon
Impostress Princess - Peter Tappan
Impromptu by Marin Gardner
Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Jennings 67 - Larry Jennings
Learned Pigs & Fireproof Women - Ricky Jay
Legendary Hierophant
Lessons in Card Mastery - Darwin Ortiz
Life, Death and Other Card Tricks - Robert E. Neale
Lost Notebooks of John Hilliard
Maelstrom - Tom Stone
Magic and Meaning Expanded - Eugene Burger / Robert Neale
Magic and Showmanship - Dariel Fitzke
Magic by Misdirection - Dariel Fitzke
Magic from the Soul - Rene Lavand
Magic Kettle - Jeffery Atkins
Magic Matters - Robert Neale
Magic Mirror (The) - Robert Neale / David Parr
Magic of Alan Wakening - Jim Steinmeyer
Magic of Ascanio Volume 1 - Structural Conception of Magic - Arturo Ascanio
Magic of Ascanio Volume 2 - Studies of Card Magic - Arturo Ascanio
Magic of Ascanio Volume 3 - More Studies of Card Magic - by Arturo de Ascanio
Magic of LePaul - Paul LePaul
Magic Way - Juan Tamaritz
Magical Mathematics - Persi Diaconis
Magical World of Slydini (two volume set) - Karl Fulves
Mark Wilson’s Complete Course
Mastering the Art of Magic - Eugene Burger
Maximum Entertainment - Ken Webber
Megawave - John Bannon
Mentalissimo - John Bannon
Mind, Myth and Magik - T.A. Waters
Mnemonica - Juan Tamara
Modern Art - Jim Steinmeyer
Modern Coin Magic - Bobo (Paperback)
Moments - Troy Hooser
More Power to You - David Acer
Mysteries of My Life - Rene Lavand
New Look at the Okito Box - Lewis Ganson
New Modern Coin Magic - Bobo (Hardcover)
Newsletter Tricks - Mathieu Rich
One Degree - John Gustaferro
Paper Engine - Aaron Fisher
Paramiracles - Ted Leslie
Paths to Enchantment - Malcom Jaffe
Performance Of Close-Up Magic - Eugene Burger
Practical Mental Magic - Theodore Annemann
Prism - Max Maven
Professional Magic for Children - David Ginn
Psychological Subtleties 1 - Banachek
Psychological Subtleties 2 - Banachek
Psychological Subtleties 3 - Banachek
Pure Effect - Darren Brown
Random Acts of Magic - David Acer
Real Secrets of the Chinese Linking Rings - Peter Biro
Relaxed Impossibilities - Ken Krenzel
Roy Benson by Starlight - Todd Karr and Levent
Royal Road to Card Magic - Hugard and Brace
Scarne on Card Tricks - John Scarne
Scarne on Card Tricks (New Copy) - John Scarne
Scarne’s Magic Tricks - John Scarne
Scripting Magic - Peter McCabe
Secret Agenda - Roberto Giobbi
Secret History of Magic - Peter Lamont / Jim Steinmeyer
Secret Ways of Al Baker - Todd Kar
Secrets of Brother John Hamman - Richard Kaufman
Secrets of So Sato -Richard Kaufman and So Sato
Self Working Handkerchief Magic - Karl Fulves
Self Working Mental Magic - Karl Fulves
Self Working Rope Magic - Karl Fulves
Seriously Silly - David Kaye
Show Doctor - Jeff McBride
Sinful - A Graphic Novel - Wayne Houchin
Smoke and Mirrors - John Bannon
Stars of Magic
Strong Magic - Darwin Ortiz
Subsequent Impuzzabilities - Jim Steinmeyer
Tangled Web - Eric Mead
Tarbell Course Volume 1
Tarbell Course Volume 2
Tarbell Course Volume 3
Tarbell Course Volume 4
Tarbell Course Volume 5
Tarbell Course Volume 6
Tarbell Course Volume 7
Tarbell Course Volume 8
Technique and Understanding - Jim Steinmeyer
The Conference Illusions - Mike Caveney
This is Not a Book - Robert Neale
Totally Out of Control - Chris Kenner
Transformations - Creating Magic out of Tricks - Larry Haas
Trick Brain - Dariel Fitzke
Verbal Magic - Juan Tamara
Vortex - Tom Stone
WD-40 - Wayne Dobson
Wildcard Miracles - Frank Garcia
Wonders - Mike Caveney
I don’t that’s enough books/information
That’s a vary little collection
Keep trying buddy:)
Apr 26, 2013
I've been in magic for over 24 years so the book collection is at 532 books and growing.
To anyone new to magic books just start with the Tarbell course get all the classics so you build a strong foundation, then with your new knowledge start buying what interests you. Maybe your a card guy, a coin guy or a mentalist ect....
Never stop reading it truly helps build you into a creative magician as you have you visualize in your head what your reading. Your interpretation will be different from other magicians and will set you apart from the crowd.
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