Magician + Musician = ???

Jan 4, 2013
Hello eveyone I'm just an average magician on this site who buys the occasional product and practices a couple hours a week, but I'm more into music, and when given the choice I'd rather perform music because I practice a lot more. My question today is if anyone has seen or has any ideas of how to put music and magic together in some awesome performance? I can play a couple of instruments and these are all the ones available to me:


If anyone can think of anything let me know!
Oct 19, 2012
I dont know much about music , but if you have seen Shawn farquhar's ' the shape of my heart ' ambitious card routiene there you can see the blend of music with magic ,making it an awsome routiene .

I was a performance Juan Tamariz was doing. He would play a harmonica every once in a while. I found it sort of cool. Work on it and it could be pretty original and entertaining i bet!

I also saw this guy once that did a old time medicine show. He played guitar and sang and then did some magic too. Just blended into one show.
Dec 29, 2011
Your patter could be a song. Either that or you could do tricks with the instruments themselves, sort of like a colour change with a guitar, magically turn it into a bass or something. You could play one, change it, then play the other.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
There's a lot that could be done. Have a spectator think about a song and play it to them, for instance.
Jan 4, 2013
Oh wow thats a really good idea :) and i could use dress code and change into that bands shirt or incorperate other effects
Sep 1, 2007
Okay, you've got me thinking and now I'm going into full on hippie vision quest mode. I'm just going to throw every idea I come up with at the screen and we'll see afterward if any of it sticks.

-First thought that leaped into my mind is the Russian abstractionist painter Wasilly Kandinsky. He was undiagnosed synesthete. Synesthesia is a benign neurological condition that randomly affects about 1 in 30 people. It causes them to interpret certain stimuli through two or more senses simultaneously. Kandinsky could, for lack of a better description, see sound and hear color. His paintings to him formed a symphony when viewed, but he could never properly communicate that to his friends and critics because at the time he was alive, nobody knew that synesthesia was a thing. Nevertheless, the idea of a magic act that aims to create a sensation like that of synesthesia with music could be intriguing.
-The blues is packed to bursting with old stories and superstitions. Everyone knows the story of selling your soul to the devil at the crossroads to be a great bluesman.
-I'm currently working with a professional musician who wants some stage illusions as a way to intro or close his performances. Magical appearances, confetti productions, that sort of thing.
-Jimmy Page is a notorious occultist. There must be something there you can work with.
-Vocal coach Jaime Vendera has a book out called "Raise Your Voice" in which he teaches the technique he used to shatter glass with his unamplified voice on national TV. If you could learn the technique, demonstrate that, then try to use a magical method of shattering glass just by staring at it.
-Instead of breath as the motif, demonstrate the final phase of Daniel Garcia's Static with your voice. A sort of "acoustic levitation." I've actually been using a variant on this presentation myself for a year or two now. Only difference is that I have a way of vocalizing a note in multiple tones simultaneously. And if you don't know how I do that, I'd like that to keep to myself a little longer.
-Learning a touch of folk music could provide you with a wellspring of Old World superstitions to draw on.

I'd come up with more, but I'm trying to split my attention between this and cooking. I'm not a very good multitasker.
Aug 2, 2011
About 4 or 5ish years ago, I attended a show by Wayne Houchin, and he paired up with another local musician. Wayne would do some magic, then the musician Josh, would play a song or two. It set a nice fun atmosphere, and the music part allowed Wayne to prep for his next segment of tricks. I don't know if you could do both at once, but I guess my point is that doing some magic then some music, then back to magic etc. works, and in my opinion is pretty cool.
Jan 4, 2013
I had an idea while i was watching some audition videos earlier on youtube.
What I figured is that I could do what this guy does:
He layers the music by recording his guitar over itself with his guitar pedal, and make my own back up music for a performance!
Or i Could even make a song to with it or something like these magicians did:
I'm starting to figure this all out!
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