Marked Deck

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Jan 11, 2011
Hi guys,

What resources (books, DVDs, etc.) are a good place to learn effects and routines utilizing the marked deck? I've recently picked one up and would like to learn how to use it.

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forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Boris Wild's deck is nice and easy to read as is Garrett Thomas' marked deck. Garrett's is made from the Mandolin deck, but is a tad easier to read. Garrett has a DVD that goes into some effects you can perform using his deck. I want to say it is called Speed Reader or something.
Because the theory11 moderators don't allow us to *reveal the secret* to we all know what release by a popular mentalist, even though on all the other sites selling we know what, they all talk openly about the fact that it is a marked deck. With that in mind, it's the best marked deck I have ever seen, yet we have to advertise other people's releases.

Tim H.(4)

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Kansas City
As far as books to learn effects/routines, Kirk Charles has put out quite a body of work on the subject. "Marked for Life" is a great book, and is your best bet. He also put out a DVD called "Miracles with a Marked Deck". The Boris Wild deck has been mentioned, so it should come as no surprise that he has a lot of material on marked deck work as well. I know he has DVD/lecture material, which I do not have. I have "Hidden in Plain Sight", which is good, and he has another book called "Transparency" (I do not have this, as it is my understanding much of the material is the same as the "Hidden in Plain Sight" book he co-authored with Charles.) Be warned: the Boris Wild material is usually tailored to the location of the markings in his deck. Many of the natural handlings may not work for other decks, depending on the location of the markings. Finally, the "Ultimate Marked Deck Companion Book" came with my Ultimate Marked Deck and it has some great routines in it as well. Not surprisingly, some of these are very similar to the "Hidden in Plain Sight" routines. Much like the Boris Wild material, the UMD material assumes the marks in a specific place so not all of the routines can be used with every marked deck.

On a personal note, I've found that the best use of MD is usually as a secondary tool to eliminate steps from other (non MD-related) effects. It's a great addition to stack work, which is what I couple it with 99% of the time. Most MD work/routines I see are hilariously transparent, so the more you can weave it into something else that can't be simply backtracked the better.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
I could say more, I'd LOVE to say more, but I'll just say this: get The Code. You'll love it, you'll use it - and it will be one of the best purchases you'll make in magic. Ever. I don't leave home without it. The applications taught in the DVD are strong, and they're just the tip of the iceberg.
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