Mental Force!

Hello fellow Theory11 artists!

I am looking for a Card Force without cards , to force a card upon someone without letting them choose a card out of a deck. I have seen this for a long time now , like Mathieu Bich's SpreadWave. and I am currently searching and creating one for a routine of mine.

If you know something or something similar please post it!


Jay Adra

Elite Member
Jul 11, 2011
Spreadwave doesn't use a force.

As for mental forces, the only ones I'm aware of are the two that Derren Brown explains in his DVDs "The Devil's Picturebook" (or in his book if you can find it).
Jun 13, 2013
If you get Daniel Madison's effect CUT he teaches a mental force he calls 'CUT PSYCH'.
You tell your spectators a story, the story influences their thoughts, then ask them to think of a card.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
It's not so hard depending on what you wish to accomplish, I've done one for decades on radio shows. . . you simply have them make choices. . . a version of Equivoque . . . they end up with choosing a black or red suit you discount the Aces & Face cards "because everyone want to name one of them) which gives you a ranged force between 2 and 10. . . the chances are they will name 7 or 3.

I have a couple of ways to handle that and other possible calls (5 and 6 are not unusual due to their position in the middle). You could use a Himber Wallet or a Piatt Envelop (available through Steven's Magic).
Nov 20, 2013
Pocket space is great for this.. You actually force one of 4 cards. But I can think of a way to get it to one. Which it seems they have stopped making the effect. (but you can make it at home). It takes props/gimmicks though.. Everything fits in your wallet. What's the end effect? Maybe that will decide your actions? If you want.. I'll jam the idea with you.
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