
Mar 8, 2018
Guys i wanna start mentalism which book should i read first 13 steps to mentalism by Corinda OR
annemann practical mental magic also is there a better book for a start.Will i l learn from these books good effects it will worth the time i will spend reading them?
Mar 8, 2018
Also guys if you could sent me some good quality pdfs mostly for the 13 steps to mentalism by corinda because with the other one i am ok
Dec 29, 2017
Read Bob Cassidy’s Fundamentals or Practical Mental Magic. Paraphrasing @ChristopherT here but “...13 Steps is a reference book. It would be like learning English by using a dictionary”.

Also sorry, don’t think anyone is going to help pirate a PDF for ya unless they’re already open commons which neither 13 steps or Fundamentals are. Not sure about PMM.
Mar 8, 2018
@lolaras7 - Do not ask people to provide copies of copyrighted material. It is illegal and not tolerated on the forums.
Sorry for that do be truth i havent read the rules but if i will read these books i will learn something i will be able to perform some good stuff? or it will be a waste of time
Mar 8, 2018
If you want material that you can perform quickly, purchase Rich Ferguson's This is Mentalism. It has an effect where you can mentally force a card on a spectator. I did a review a while ago here:
Can i start with principia mentalia i have hear thats a good one too! As an expert whats the best to start with? thats whats what i want you to tell me and explain me the reason behind why to read the specific book you will tell me!
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