Messado Rings by Ellusionist

Title: Messado Rings
Artist: Joshua Messado
Producers: Ellusionist
Link: Not Released Yet.
Retail Price: $70.00 USD
Learning Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Length of DVD: 1 hour 28 minutes
Notes: This is a close up linking ring routine. Practice will be required to master all the intricate details covered in this DVD.

• Instructional DVD
• Leather CD style caring case
• Messado’s Rings
◦ Key Ring
◦ Single Ring
◦ Double Linked Ring

DVD Features:
• Play All
• Chapters
• Trailers

Joshua Messado, an up and coming artist from the city of brotherly love demonstrates then his close up linking rings routine which is beautiful, fluid, and smooth.

This review is of a product that was a special Magic Live treat! Ever been to a convention before, walked by the dealers table, and saw that one special unique thing that caught your eye? This was that one thing for me this year at Magic Live. As I strolled past the Ellusionist table I saw a very dapper dressed young man pitching to a crowd of magicians asking them to come close and watch his hands. Before my eyes I saw something I have not yet seen done with linking rings. I saw this young man flip, twirl, catch, link and unlink the rings in flourish fashion. This young man’s name is Joshua Messado, and like the rings in his hands I knew I was hooked.

When you put the DVD in you’re going to find close to an hour and a half of solid easy to follow tutorial that teaches in full all the ins and outs of working with Messado’s rings. Joshua teaches it slow enough that it is easy to follow along and learn, especially if you’ve never worked with rings before. Personally one of my favorite links Joshua teaches is the silent link and unlink. This move is pure magic for me. Another little thing about the video that I enjoyed is the profound lack of a catchy music look running in the back ground. Ellusionist doesn’t rely on catchy music, or fancy cuts to carry the magic on this video.

Messado’s rings is one of the most ideal effects any close up artist or street artist could own. If you put the time in to master the all the nuances Joshua teaches you’ll have a reputation making master piece that will easily fit into your coat pocket, your brief case, or your close up bag. This is something that you can take anywhere and melt minds with.

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The four points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, Sound & Video Quality and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 8
The quality of everything from the special caring case, to the DVD, and even the rings themselves, are all solid. This is something I have come to expect from Ellusionist.

Teaching Quality:9
Joshua’s teaching is methodical, slow, and empowers the viewer with the confidence that they can and will master the rings with enough dedication and practice. Nothing feels rushed, forced, or missed.

Video & Sound Quality: 9
Video and sound are both excellent. No glitches, clips, audio out of place, or annoying background music distracting you from learning the moves.

Overall Quality:9
I loved it. This will be something you use every day, every show, anywhere and at any time. Pay close attention to Joshua Messado everyone because I’m sure this won’t be the last we see or hear from him.

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