Mint Box


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2013
Just watched the trailer for this and I have to say it looks pretty dam impressive

I would buy but it BUT....and this but applies to most of these kinda devices...

It’s design/look is too exclusive to a certain country...

I live in New Zealand and we do not have this brand of “mint” here. Bringing this out just adds too much heat. I wish gimmicks like this were a little more “adaptable”

Sure I could come up w some excuse that I liked these particular mints etc on a trip to blah blah...but I’m NZ through and through and something like this - like M Case - doesn’t need over proving or it draws suspicion

Sigh...guess I’ll watch the demo again


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I have a question, after reading the ad copy it mentions that it comes with a red bicycle gimmick
does this mean it's not customisable to any card...or even, any item that's not a card?

Is this just a switching gimmick for a folded red bicycle card?
If so that really limits creativity for some great things!
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Elite Member
Jun 14, 2013
I have a question, after reading the ad copy it mentions that it comes with a red bicycle gimmick
does this mean it's not customisable to any card...or even, any item that's not a card?

Is this just a switching gimmick for a folded red bicycle card?
If so that really limits creativity for some great things!

I’m gonna assume it can be modified...

I bought the utility- In the Clear - and that device can be customised


Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
you can perform it in any country. do not run when you are not being chased.
Dec 1, 2012
I had this same effect 100 years ago, [Removed by Moderator for partial exposure] I think it was like $10. (ha ha)

The reviewers I am reading say that they still prefer ToiBox over Mint Box both in execution, examinability and price.

I just got Quiver by Kelvin Chow (only $40) you can do the exact same effect .... plus dozens more.
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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
The execution for Mint Box is incredibly easy, and the effect is more direct and in-the-hands than ToiBox. The Mint Box routine is the mystery card plot stripped down to where there is no extra fluff - requires only the most basic sleight of hand, and even the "hardest" move is already done for you. Not going to give away any methods but for switching boxes like this, you usually need to do a sleight perfectly from scratch. With Mint Box, you won't worry about getting it perfect because it's already done for you.

In regards to it not being examinable, if you've practiced the routine enough and you are performing the effect right, there is never any heat on the mint box itself after the fact. And the advantage with Mint Box over others that even further proves that it doesn't need to be examined is that they open the box themselves and see a card inside, you dump it out into their hands and the box is completely empty. It looks exactly like an Altoids Smalls tin, because it is a real Altoids Smalls tin. It doesn't need any further justification on the performer's side. It's just a tin. Treat it as such and no one will question you. Of course if you purposefully try and emphasize that it's "just an ordinary tin" people will grow to be suspicious. Why are you saying that? They can see for themselves it's just a mint tin. Don't run when you're not being chased.

In comparison to Quiver, Quiver is a nice utility. But I've never seen anyone carry anything that looks like that. It's not a familiar object. It just doesn't make sense for me to carry around something that looks like that when I could carry a mint tin that people see every day at grocery and convenience stores.

And finally the price is the price that it is because Daniel Garcia makes these gimmicks by hand. It's an incredibly long process to make one gimmick, and you're getting an insanely high quality gimmick handmade by the creator himself. Treated right, the gimmick will last you a LONG time, and if you're going to use this in your strolling/busking repertoire, or even in your shows, it will pay for itself rather quickly.


Elite Member
Aug 20, 2010
Daniel Garcia makes these gimmicks by hand. It's an incredibly long process to make one gimmick, and you're getting an insanely high quality gimmick handmade by the creator himself.

You mean Daniel Garcia and his Family make these gimmicks by hand.
Dec 14, 2015
I also heard about the very high price of Mint Box. Now if it takes a long time to make, the price sounds ok. I've purchased recently Search Engine 2.0 by Tony Miller. He said the time it takes to make just one of this index, he could make 3 wallets. The price mainly reflects time and labour. It's probably the same with Mint Box.

The issue with Mint Box, I would say, besides its extreme fragility, is that apparently, you can't really customize it, am I correct ? A friend who owned that, explained that to me. It's made for a playing card, nothing else.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
besides its extreme fragility,

I wouldn't call this "extremely fragile" by any stretch. Yes, it can be damaged if you are careless. If you are taking care of your gimmick you aren't going to damage it at all.

you can't really customize it, am I correct ?

That is (mostly) correct. It does one thing, and it does it REALLY well. I am sure you could modify this if you were clever and careful, but it is not designed to be modified.

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