The change itself is nice, but I have one question:
1 : of, relating to, or used in vision <visual organs>
- Main Entry: 1vi·su·al
- Pronunciation: \ˈvi-zhə-wəl, -zhəl; ˈvizh-wəl\
- Function: adjective
- Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin visualis, from Latin visus sight, from vidēre to see
- Date: 15th century
2 : attained or maintained by sight <visual impressions>
3 : visible <visual objects>
4 : producing mental images : vivid
5 : done or executed by sight only <visual navigation>
6 : of, relating to, or employing visual aids
At any one point, a maximum of about 20% of the card can be seen.
So I ask, how on earth is that visual??
Answer: It's not.
oh, and if you say "I will work on my spellin," then you continue to spell "you" and "your" as "u" and "ur"... then you have some serious problems.