Most Rare Deck of Cards?

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Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
One of the rarest I've seen has to be the first print of monarchs with gold ink (instead of white) that didn't work out. I believe there was 111 sold from the test print run (was there 150 total?). I saw those sold on ebay for $500 before the monarch deck was printed. I snagged 3 of those.

Duncan F.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
It's hard to say what the rarest deck may be. Jerry's Nuggets are the first that come to mind, but there are decks that are far older and ones that had limited runs that are probably more rare. If you're talking just about modern cards, then there are a couple that come to mind.

White Centurions
Smoke & Mirror V1
White Monarchs
Split Spade Lions 1st Edition
Feb 11, 2018
I do not think this is a pointless thread. I think the rarest deck 1st edition smoler or mirror I dont see any on ebay and the only 1 I do see is 30$
Those are not the originals the originals are like 200.......and the rarest decks would be, smoke and mirrors v1, red gatorbacks, green gatorbacks, virtouso ss13 smoke and mirrors private reserve v1, and the rarest would be probobly sealed original not reprint, 1970s Jerry's nuggets
Feb 11, 2018
Those are not the originals the originals are like 200.......and the rarest decks would be, smoke and mirrors v1, red gatorbacks, green gatorbacks, virtouso ss13 smoke and mirrors private reserve v1, and the rarest would be probobly sealed original not reprint, 1970s Jerry's nuggets
And I forgot even rarer are the original monarchs which there are only 144 out there and used to cost about 500 dollers each (these are not the blue ones....) and the rarest is eleven madison park monarchs which only had an unknown limited run for the a dinner services magic performance and were only available to certain staff and will never be sold to public
Feb 11, 2018
One of the rarest I've seen has to be the first print of monarchs with gold ink (instead of white) that didn't work out. I believe there was 111 sold from the test print run (was there 150 total?). I saw those sold on ebay for $500 before the monarch deck was printed. I snagged 3 of those.
Lucky could you sell one? I assume not but worth asking :-D
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