Most skilled person

Nov 15, 2007
Ada Oklahoma
...excuse me? Speed isn't everything, if it's fast and sloppy then that's not a good flourish.

I give up. You don't even seem to entertain the possibility that other flourishers have their merits, even if you think that Tudor is really the "King of Cards." Instead, you brush off the notion that anyone else is even halfway good and simply say that no one can hold a candle to your idol. Yeah, Tudor is a good flourisher, but compared to people like Cestowski (who brought up non-cut flourishes), De'vo (who was the first to really bring flourishing into the BIG public image with his strange style), and the Buck Twins (who ran with cardistry as a kind of extreme sport), he seems to have not advanced for a really long time. And the very fact that the only cut you seem to be mentioning is the YBTN boosts everyone else's point: What has he delivered to the cardistry world besides a few one-handed cuts and a bunch of Sybil derivatives?


Nov 3, 2007
HEy! Guys. Very necessary subject. I want to write my opinion about Brian Tudor.
Ye of course he is one of the first flourisher. I remember when I've seen his Showoff 1 and 2. I was impressed by his skill. His speed is realy fast, his creations very useful for today flourishers. BUT!!! When I've seen perfomance of Dan and Dave I was impressed more! :) Their speed and smoothness were so eye candy. I've forgotten about Tudor. ANd now I can't watch Tudor's perfomance cauze he is fast but very choppy. HE is a good creator of flourishes but he is bad perfomer for me!!!

ANd of course as you know D&D can be faster than Tudor and mooooore smoother!

Here is my answer on subject question. Dan and Dave are most skilled persons. THey are the best!!! And on 2nd place for me Kevin HO! Future for this guy!!! :)


Jul 13, 2008
...excuse me? Speed isn't everything, if it's fast and sloppy then that's not a good flourish.?

Its Fast But Not Sloppy
Maybe you cant be fast without being Sloppy
Tudor can

I give up. You don't even seem to entertain the possibility that other flourishers have their merits, even if you think that Tudor is really the "King of Cards."

thats the name of his latest masterpiece too
SHowOff Volume 3 "King Of Cards"

Instead, you brush off the notion that anyone else is even halfway good and simply say that no one can hold a candle to your idol.

No one is faster thab Tudor
No one!
No one can do what Tudor does at half the speed he does

Yeah, Tudor is a good flourisher,

The Best And First Actually
Did I mentioned fastest

De'vo (who was the first to really bring flourishing into the BIG public image with his strange style), and the Buck Twins (who ran with cardistry as a kind of extreme sport), he seems to have not advanced for a really long time.

Devo Has nothing on Tudor
The Bucks Are tudors Students
Without Tudor They wouldnt be flourishing

And the very fact that the only cut you seem to be mentioning is the YBTN boosts everyone else's point:

I mentioned all of them
Allright then
Do a Very Bad Habit

What has he delivered to the cardistry world besides a few one-handed cuts and a bunch of Sybil derivatives?

Modern Flourishing In General?
The Bucks?
Jan 21, 2008
Unless you are actually Tudor, you have no reason to talk like this. At all.
Brian may be fast, but that doesn't make him the best, not even close. He has no variety as an artist. What makes flourishing visually appealing is not just speed, its speed, style and smoothness, the latter of which tudor has none. And smooth does not equal slow, by any means, its totally possible to have both. And Tudor did not create modern flourishing, for that I would credit Chris Kenner, because he created the sybil, of which Tudor made a billion variations. And you obviously haven't been around long enough to have seen what De'vo did for the art. And look at Bone's what the hell happened to sybil, sure it may not be as fast as Tudor's, but it looks way better, and theres no argument about it. Just because he's fast with cards does not mean he is the most skilled person, because he has very low skill compared to others.
Sep 1, 2007
dude chris kenner did not create modern flourishing, the fact that you think modern flourishing is thanks to the sybilmeans you're a n00b. Jerry was doing flourishing acts before "out of control" came out, and before Jerry there was quite a few guys for example Joe Cossari, Jeff Mcbride, and even Houdini.
Sep 1, 2007
dude chris kenner did not create modern flourishing, the fact that you think modern flourishing is thanks to the sybilmeans you're a n00b. Jerry was doing flourishing acts before "out of control" came out, and before Jerry there was quite a few guys for example Joe Cossari, Jeff Mcbride, and even Houdini.

Yah, Chris Kenner, certainly inspired lots of modern 'cardistry' with his sybil, but there's a difference between 'cardistry' and flourishing.
Sep 2, 2007
dude chris kenner did not create modern flourishing, the fact that you think modern flourishing is thanks to the sybilmeans you're a n00b. Jerry was doing flourishing acts before "out of control" came out, and before Jerry there was quite a few guys for example Joe Cossari, Jeff Mcbride, and even Houdini.

Good work on mentioning Joe Cossari (the inventor of what people call the "Jerry Fan", if anyone's interested). Also T Nelson Downs and Jean Hugard need to get credit for laying the groundwork for modern flourishing.

Also, if you want to credit the inventor of what's become known as "Sybil" grip, then I think that accolade should go to Gianni Mattiolo with his "Ultimate Illogical Shuffle".
Jan 21, 2008
Uhhh...I meant modern flourishing as in Dan and Dave and stuff. They even said about Chris Kenner's sybil "started it all for them." I don't consider Jerry's stuff as modern flourishing. Whateva. I guess I was it's modern 'cardistry.'
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