Mount Rushmore of magic


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
If we were doing a Mt. Rushmore that would cover all aspects of card magic and handling, I would personally go with these as the most influential in their craft:

Juan Tamariz
Dai Vernon
Jason England
Dan and Dave Buck

Tamariz and Vernon for completely revolutionizing card magic to what it is today, Jason England for being (in my opinion) the best and most influential card technician and teacher, and Dan and Dave for pioneering cardistry and setting the foundation for what it is today.

For a generational Mt. Rushmore that shows the progression of magic over the course of the many years it has existed and the influence they have had on the art, I would go with these 4:

Dai Vernon
David Copperfield
David Blaine


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
I really love the results of this thread. It was not what I was expecting. What surprises me the most is a lack of magic teachers.
Obviously I expected performers like Blaine, and Houdini. I also expected many creators like Vernon, however I actually expected to see at least one Tarbell, Ammar, Burger, or McBride.
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