Multiple Card Force

Sep 2, 2007
Maybe some kind of mucking technique would work. Have the force cards on top of the deck, ribbon spread it and ask them to pull the required number of cards from anywhere in the deck. As you gather up the rest of the deck, palm the force cards (there's quite a good chance at least one of them will have been selected anyway), then switch them in on the table.

Another alternative, maybe the cleanest I can think of, would be a bottom deal force. Have your force cards on the bottom of the deck and have them call out, or write down, ten numbers between 1 and 52. Count down through the cards, bottom dealing on the numbers they selected.

The best technique depends on what you're planning to do before and after. Could you go into more detail on exactly what you want to achieve?
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May 8, 2008

as in, "call out stop" - "stop" - "okay, we'll take these four cards..."?

just stack your cards you need forced and hold a pinky break, do a false riffle selection...

if this doesn't cover what you need, maybe you should PM me with a description of the effect and why you think you need multiple cards forced...

Seems the best way to me... Maybe some 'crafty' copping and slipping with a spread force, if you get what I mean. That way they could shuffle.
Mar 22, 2009
London, UK
Maybe it'd be best if you describe the effect that you want to achieve, then people will be able to help more effectively...

You have 3 choices:
  1. Riffle force a stack of cards
  2. Spread the deck, get the spectator(s) to select the cards, and then do a packet switch
  3. Get lucky

The first option is perfectly fine in the eyes of the spectators, but the second can be more convincing if that's what you want. There are many ways to accomplish the packet switch and if you want help with that I'm happy to help.

May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Have them tap any four cards from a spread, strip them out and to a top change. Or I believe Dan+Dave have a four card force(esque) thing in their On Demand section. You might want to look into that.
Mar 13, 2008
Three words:

Vernon Substitute Transfer

If you want to know how it's done, have a look around Jay Sankey's work. He uses it in many of his tricks, such as Bigger Finish.
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Or maybe, have 4 cards selected (I actually mean any cards) then put them on top, do a 4 for 4 switch and wallah!

The 4for4 switch involves the cards being turned face up though. However I do reckon your best bet is having four random cards selected and switching them for four other cards.
May 13, 2008
St Albans, UK
Three words:

Vernon Substitute Transfer

If you want to know how it's done, have a look around Jay Sankey's work. He uses it in many of his tricks, such as Bigger Finish.

That's two for the VST!

Or you could always do John Bannon's Spectator Cuts to the Aces trick but use your forced cards instead.
Sep 1, 2007
Dereck Dingle's nolap switch would do the business, or as others have said the VST, top changing the packets (look for variations on the talazac switch) or a good spectator cuts the aces style effect. Ultimately it is difficult to make a recommendation without more detail on how you want the trick to look to a layperson.
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