My coin vanish!

Dec 21, 2013
Hello! I have made a coin vanish, that I think have an amazing effect! This trick was done with a Norwegian coin. It can take place in your own hands, or in the hand of a spectator. You dont need any amazing sleight of hand to do this. I recommend to read the decription before watching the video. It is not any magnets or stuff like that either. I can guarantee that you will get amazing reactions with this effect.

I know my english isn't 100% good. But I hope you will check this trick out!

Check it out here!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
A solid vanish. However - there are some weaknesses. For one, we never seen anything other than your hands and wrists in the video. You could be hiding quite a bit outside of that frame. For two, we never see the entire coin. Even if you're using the method I am fairly certain you are, you could show the coin more openly which helps subtly tell the spectator that nothing fishy is going on.

Those are the first things I'd start with to improve the overall effect.
Dec 21, 2013
Why do you think it hurts ? :p But this was filmed when I was home alone, with my iPad :/ I can just say that there is not so much goig on outside the frame.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Why do you think it hurts ? :p But this was filmed when I was home alone, with my iPad :/ I can just say that there is not so much goig on outside the frame.

I believe you. I am fairly certain I know the method. However, because of the framing you lose some of the impact of the trick.
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