My first Move Original or Not

Aug 25, 2012
So I was messing around and I believe I "created" a move (I say create because i have never seen it done before) and I would like somebody who is experienced with cards to message me and talk about this move with me it would be greatly appreciated i've been doing stuff with cards for a while but just want some clarification and background on the move.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So I was messing around and I believe I "created" a move (I say create because i have never seen it done before) and I would like somebody who is experienced with cards to message me and talk about this move with me it would be greatly appreciated i've been doing stuff with cards for a while but just want some clarification and background on the move.

Well, in all fairness, you've definitely created the move. You just may not be the first one to do so. Do you have a video of it? Or at least a description of what it does?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Without a video to watch this thread is pointless. Please provide us with a video of your move. Chances are whatever you have stumbled upon has been done or a variation of it has already been around.
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