My Hermann Pass Evolution

Hi guys,

During my time in card magic there was always a sleight that I often practiced but never used – The Classic Pass. It seemed like so much effort to move 26 cards at once to control a single one, when I could use either an over-hand shuffle, cut it back to the top or crimp it. All of which are great simple methods that don’t require a lot of practice but all take time to perform which can leave you fiddling with the deck to long and a little suspect to deck burners. So when I came across the Classic Pass I thought it was awesome, to be able to control a card in a fraction of a second. But to my dismay, no matter how much I practiced it I was caught more times than not whilst performing. So I dropped it like a bad habit. It wasn’t for months later that I picked up a 1 on 1 here by Aaron Fisher called “The Out-Jogged Hermann Shift.” I knew there was a Pass that went in the opposite direction of the Classic; I’d just never seen the mechanics before. After practicing the sleight for hour’s everyday I thought, “what if…?” And the rest is history. Over the next few days I’ll be posting information on discoveries I’ve made on this sleight, don’t expect to find anything revolutionary here. You will probably just find one or two things that you’ll go, “ha! Why didn’t I think of that?” Or, “so that’s what I was doing wrong.” If you don’t fall into either of these categories, thank you for reading anyway. Like I said before, if I can make one person here think – job done.

Before you can really get into this material, you will need to know and understand the basic handling of this move. Aaron Fishers 1 on 1 is not bad a source, if you’ve Ellusionists Ninja part 1 that can help too. Plus most old card books touch on both passes. Apart from that there’s some cool pass DVDs out there and some dodgy you tube videos. If you don’t know it and you’re light on funds, I highly recommend the Out-Jogged Hermann Shift 1 on 1.

By the way, if you perfom the Hermann Pass by curling your left index finger stop it. Stop it now. It's only holding you back. Instead learn to do it by balancing the deck in the crotches of all four knuckles. 1. It keeps all fingers in view and minimizes movement. 2. The pass will flow better, so you can literally let the packets "pass" without any interference.

To lessen the risk of being flamed for exposure (even though I'm only discussing open source moves) I’m not going to post them in the forums, I will post links to these documents.

The Drop Pass (Control)

Passing Change (color change)

Order Retention plus "Out of Order"
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Sep 22, 2007
I am confused I know there is two main passes the one like the classic pass and Herman shift which seem hard to cover and i cannot master then my friend was telling me about another pass which was so much faster but cant figure out where to find that. Any names on this pass.

There are only these 2 afformentioned passes. But countless variations and refinements of these all with different names.

If you put in the effort with the Hermann Pass/Shift, it will really pay off. The best way to practice is in front of a webcam viewing from a performance angle, eg the cam at your eye level pointing at your hands. You can really work on your finger positions like that. And good to practice while looking up as opposed to looking down at your hands.
the S.W Erdnase pass is pretty cool. its hard to get the nack of it, but its still pretty cool

Tis shift cool, my thumb hurt for days while practicing. - if we're referring to the 1 handed shift :D

Also, any comments or feedback would be appreciated. I know most advanced card handlers may have made these discoveries already. But all you begginer and intermediate cardists, I hope yolu can salvage something to use. I wish I knew this stuff when was learning the pass.
Dec 28, 2007
Hi guys,

During my time in card magic there was always a sleight that I often practiced but never used – The Classic Pass. It seemed like so much effort to move 26 cards at once to control a single one, when I could use either an over-hand shuffle, cut it back to the top or crimp it. All of which are great simple methods that don’t require a lot of practice but all take time to perform which can leave you fiddling with the deck to long and a little suspect to deck burners. So when I came across the Classic Pass I thought it was awesome, to be able to control a card in a fraction of a second. But to my dismay, no matter how much I practiced it I was caught more times than not whilst performing. So I dropped it like a bad habit. It wasn’t for months later that I picked up a 1 on 1 here by Aaron Fisher called “The Out-Jogged Hermann Shift.” I knew there was a Pass that went in the opposite direction of the Classic; I’d just never seen the mechanics before. After practicing the sleight for hour’s everyday I thought, “what if…?” And the rest is history. Over the next few days I’ll be posting information on discoveries I’ve made on this sleight, don’t expect to find anything revolutionary here. You will probably just find one or two things that you’ll go, “ha! Why didn’t I think of that?” Or, “so that’s what I was doing wrong.” If you don’t fall into either of these categories, thank you for reading anyway. Like I said before, if I can make one person here think – job done.

Before you can really get into this material, you will need to know and understand the basic handling of this move. Aaron Fishers 1 on 1 is not bad a source, if you’ve Ellusionists Ninja part 1 that can help too. Plus most old card books touch on both passes. Apart from that there’s some cool pass DVDs out there and some dodgy you tube videos. If you don’t know it and you’re light on funds, I highly recommend the Out-Jogged Hermann Shift 1 on 1.

By the way, if you perfom the Hermann Pass by curling your left index finger stop it. Stop it now. It's only holding you back. Instead learn to do it by balancing the deck in the crotches of all four knuckles. 1. It keeps all fingers in view and minimizes movement. 2. The pass will flow better, so you can literally let the packets "pass" without any interference.

To lessen the risk of being flamed for exposure (even though I'm only discussing open source moves) I’m not going to post them in the forums, I will post links to these documents.

The Drop Pass (Control)

Good post! You certainly got me thinking. I use the Herrmann pass a lot. Mine doesnt rely on twisting or turning the deck. Its ok to use the twists and turns but not too many times. Mine is a more natural handling. I will have to look at the AF version. I met him a few months back in london but cant remember his pass.
Big George.
Sep 5, 2007
Hi guys,

By the way, if you perfom the Hermann Pass by curling your left index finger stop it. Stop it now. It's only holding you back. Instead learn to do it by balancing the deck in the crotches of all four knuckles. 1. It keeps all fingers in view and minimizes movement. 2. The pass will flow better, so you can literally let the packets "pass" without any interference.

Totally agree with you about the curling of the left index finger
Hi guys, just letting yous know I've updated the first post with another link, this time it's a color change! :D i know a lot of people are probably sceptical that this works in real world magic. Honestly, it kills. When you can peform the Hermann pass at a moments notice this will become one of the easiest and versatile color change you can peform. the only set up is a break at the card you want to change into. One thing that works awesome with this move is a crimp - instant break at any (usually the selection) card.

Keep the comments comming! ;)
I've updated the thread again with another use for the pass - order retention. Plus it contains a neat trick I've devised recently that kills called "Out of Order." In the article I've stated it's great for a closing trick because of it's seeming impossibility at the end of a set. But due to it's extensive set up I forgot to mention "insert favorite deck swith here." But it really does kill at the end of a set, but it's also a great stand alone trick by itself.

Please keep the comments and questions comming. (I'm not getting many, but I can see a lot of people are reading these.) ;)
The Drop pass idea is very similar same to a pass I worked out a year ago. I made a video of it back then, let me look for it and post it.

I called it the Instant Pass. I personally wanted to do an instant turnover pass, as opposed as the instant classic pass version by R. Paul Wilson.

I'll get back with the video if I found it, or will make one

EDIT: didn't find the video.

I left it out. laymen seem to notice a descripancy every time I do it, plus the angles are not as forgiving as they seem to be. Anyway, Peter Duffie has the same idea in his "Shaded Hermann Pass" though it looks different. Check the preview of Move Mastery Vol.2 CD-rom on youtube.

~ Feras
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Just checked out the Shaded Hermann Pass, he can do it very smoothyl but I don't likethe fact that your arm is left where it is for no reason. Plus the deck is too square and it doesn't look like you've just dropped the top half on.

The thing I love about the Drop Pass is the descrepincy, spectators get to see the dop packet dropped on messily and then squared up in full view. It's also about the body language, if you think about the transposition of the packets too much it will slow you down. You need to drop the top packet like it's really going on top, but secretly it lands in your palm instead. Kinda like the Double Lift, you can't handle it like two cards. You need to handle them like one and just turn one card over in your mind - but you've pinched two.
Nov 6, 2007
I only read the 'drop pass' one, which I believe was discussed elsewhere since I remember posting something about it. However, for the "peek" you described in the 'drop pass', I would assume it to be much more efficient to simply peak the spectator's card while in the middle of the deck rather than controling it to the top, then allowing them to shuffle. Kill 2 birds with one stone, you know? Well, technically only killing one and letting the other live considering there is no need for it to be killed.
I don't understand how you can peek the selection from the middle when you're about to perform the Drop Pass. Even if there was a way, you would need to drop your eyes down to your hands before you execute the pass putting heat on the deck. If the selection's on the top and you extend your arm to hand the deck to over you don't need to shift your vision as the cards will be in your line of sight.
Nov 6, 2007
I don't understand how you can peek the selection from the middle when you're about to perform the Drop Pass. Even if there was a way, you would need to drop your eyes down to your hands before you execute the pass putting heat on the deck. If the selection's on the top and you extend your arm to hand the deck to over you don't need to shift your vision as the cards will be in your line of sight.

Sorry if my post was a little confusing. I was saying just peeking the card from the middle without executing the drop pass altogether because if you are going to hand the deck to the spectator to shuffle there's not really any reason of controlling their selection.
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