Nov 12, 2018
Also, what is the reasoning behind the “Nationals” being considered “Luxury”, are they actually different and/or better than the “Premium” decks....?

Also, on a sidenote, my “Blue Monarchs”, bought from Target, do not contain the “Theory 11 SKU” or the “Las Vagas, NV Printing” on the bottom of the tuck box.
Does that mean that the “Barnes and Noble” and “Target” Decks, are not as quality, as if I were to purchase them from the Theory 11 WebShop....?

I know about the “Exclusive Colors” of the few decks, “Red High Victorians”, and whatnot. But, Are these In-Store buys, completely different cards, as well as Tuck Cases......!?

Just had to ask!

Please and Thanks!


Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Good questions!

what is the reasoning behind the “Nationals” being considered “Luxury”, are they actually different and/or better than the “Premium” decks....?

I think you are overthinking it a little bit. We are using those words interchangeably. Decks labeled as "Luxury" don't have any inherent differences from decks labeled as "Premium". We did not intend for there to be any differences, so any differences observed are circumstantial at best.

my “Blue Monarchs”, bought from Target, do not contain the “Theory 11 SKU” or the “Las Vagas, NV Printing” on the bottom of the tuck box.
Does that mean that the “Barnes and Noble” and “Target” Decks, are not as quality, as if I were to purchase them from the Theory 11 WebShop....?

Nope. The artwork on our tuck boxes changes over time. We removed the UPC on the bottom of the tuck box on most of our cards a while back. Barnes and Noble and Target decks come from the EXACT same printings as the cards you get from our store, and have identical quality levels.

I know about the “Exclusive Colors” of the few decks, “Red High Victorians”, and whatnot. But, Are these In-Store buys, completely different cards, as well as Tuck Cases......!?

We occasionally create playing cards with exclusive release rights, like High Victorian Red at Target. These cards are the same as the Green version, but recolored. They are different colors inside the tuck case on the tuck case, etc.

// L
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Nov 12, 2018
Good questions!

I think you are overthinking it a little bit. We are using those words interchangeably. Decks labeled as "Luxury" don't have any inherent differences from decks labeled as "Premium". We did not intend for there to be any differences, so any differences observed are circumstantial at best.

Nope. The artwork on our tuck boxes changes over time. We removed the UPC on the bottom of the tuck box on most of our cards a while back. Barnes and Noble and Target decks come from the EXACT same printings as the cards you get from our store, and have identical quality levels.

We occasionally create playing cards with exclusive release rights, like High Victorian Red at Target. These cards are the same as the Green version, but recolored. They are different colors inside the tuck case on the tuck case, etc.

// L

Well, goodness gracious!
Thank you, kindly, for such an informative and detailed answer, to each and EVERY individual query that I proposed.

I appreciate the timely mannered fashioned multiple responses.

I just now, also noticed that the “Citizens” Decks, happen to say BOTH “Luxury”, as well as “Premium”, within the description, and the tuck case printing.

So, yeah. It all makes sense. It’s all good.
Theory 11 is Theory 11.
Got it.

I’m, personally, not in a position, where I am able to buy $10 Decks, all Willy Nilly.
SO, I just did my due diligence, whilst researching.

Thank you, again, THEORY 11!!!!

If you’d like to send me a complimentary “Exclusive”, or “B-Stock” Deck, for bringing these VERY important issues to light, and letting this valuable information be available to the public. I will not say no. Hahaha! My address is in my Account Profile. Maybe even surprise me on my birthday 01/25.....?

Ha! That’ll be the day.
However, IF something AMAZING and VERY unlikely does happen to occur, I will blast it ALL OVER the internet/social media world. It would be my pleasure to receive anything that anyone would like to send me, to enjoy, and embrace your company to the widest of this worlds’ web! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
Thanks, Theory 11!!!!
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