New Creation "Vapor Coin Vanish"

It looks really good. I've seen the Gecko gimmick at ellusionist and supposedly the gimmick can be used with short sleeves but i dont really know how its done. The gecko can vanish objects and bring them back out again. Im not saying i know how your trick is done just saying that this is a way to do it.
This is not close to the gecko gimmick..
You can't wear a t-shirt like i did in the video with the gecko gimmick.
This thing don't need any special clothing..
Best regards nicholas
It's visual cause the first second the coin is not there and the other second it's gone!
And what makes it so visual is that you can clearly show your hands empty with no
"tricky" moves.
Then you can slowly close your hand and make it reappear..
That's what so visual..
Best regards
Sep 7, 2008
When something happens inside a closed fist it's not visual. This is DEFINITLY NOT visual, not in any way. You don't SEE the magic happen, it happens in a closed place. Bad words to use, don't stretch the truth.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hey man. I gotta say, I don't think you're going the right way by releasing it. The people who've told you to market it, in my honest opinion, have been giving you some pretty bad advice.

Ask yourself this: Why are you releasing it? Acknowledgement in the community?

Do you think that putting it up on that site, which doesn't look particularly professional, will do any of those things for you? Sure, you might get a few hundred views, but you'll get that easily on YouTube. So what does it really get you?

Many people work on their effects for years, even decades, before they teach. Knowing an effect and being able to teach it is also two different things.

There was a thread about creating magic here a while ago, I think in the General Discussion forum, which brought up some very good point, better than I could express it. Don't get me wrong - I like the vanish. But I think you're doing yourself a disservice by flushing down the toilet, on a crappy site to crappy magicians, something you've created and something you could develop into something even better over time. IMO - hang onto it, make it yours for a few years, and develop yourself from this.

That's just my two cents though. If you're really intent on releasing it, for whatever reason (though I'm not really sure why), go ahead my man. Like I siad, it looks nice.
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