New Here and just had my first performance


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2012
So, I'm not extremely new as I've been purchasing from Theory11 for a long time now. I'm just new to the forums. I e been poking around for a while but I haven't really posted much. A quick intro:
My name is Dale (obviously) and I'm from Delaware, USA. I'm only 25 and fairly new to magic. I have been doing card flourishes for a long time, since I was about 12, as I've always enjoyed a good game of poker. I tend to be the designated dealer because people like watching me flourish the shuffles and dealing.

I've been dabbling in just about every form of magic for the past two years or so, but I'm starting to settle into just card and coin magic. While I'm not a fan of gimmicks, I do own my fair share. I have more decks than I can count, and I'm in the process of building a display for them. Can't wait for my Artisans.

Onto the other reason I created this post: my first performance. I've been practicing on strangers in the mall and on the streets for the past 5 or 6 months. I wouldn't say I'm great, but I'm getting better. As Eric Jones told me, "Don't strive for perfection... Strive for believability." So that's what I'm trying to do.

I work for the railroad and I am on the train for several hours per day for my commute. This morning my train had some issues and we were stranded for about 2 hours. After the first hour many people started getting antsy and very impatient, so I figured I might as well try to get things settled a bit. I pulled out a deck if cards and shoved a few quarters in my pocket and started going up and down the aisle just entertaining a few people at a time. I had a blast, got some fantastic practice with a crowd and got some applause at the end! I was super excited. Lucky for me, since the people were separated into groups with the seats, I was able to repeat various tricks, since I don't have an hour worth if material yet.

I certainly don't feel like I'm ready for a party yet, but it definitely boosted my confidence. Sorry for the long, convoluted post, but I was just really excited and wanted to share this.
Welcome to the forums! Glad you finally joined us on here. There's some great people here who can usually offer you any tips or advice you may need as you grow and mature as a performer. As for your experience: Wow! That sounds like things went well for you. How neat is that; that you were able to share your gift with everyone during a period that would have otherwise been a great inconvenience for them. Not only did you get some good practice in, but you got a chance to work in front of a real crowd. Real people are far less forgiving than your bathroom mirror, though a mirror can be pretty brutal at times. The important thing is you went out there and did something. As time passes, you'll build up your material, and if you want to do shows or parties or something, then I'm sure you'll find yourself in a position to do so quick enough.

Thanks for sharing with us!


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Awesome work my man. Any time you can take an opportunity like that and perform for it. Sometimes it will go great and other times an effect will go horribly wrong but you walk away with experience and hopefully grow from it as well. The more you perform for live people over and over and over again, you will begin to get that confidence level up and then let your personality really shine too. Too many people get so worked up over the sleights or moves that they forget to be "personable" and talk and get to know your spectator. Welcome to the forums and have fun.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
It sounds like you have had a very intelligent beginning to your magic, congrats man. Welcome to the forums! This community as well as the community over at Ellusionist can really help you develop your magic, wonderful people to be found all around.
Aug 16, 2011
That sounded like it would be fun Dale, and welcome to the theory11 forums :) I don't think anytime in the near future would I be performing like that, but as long as you have your stuff perfected, then that sounds like an awesome way to really get down your performance techniques and patter with real people. I hope that when I have some routines down, that I can be as brave as you and just approach random people who aren't expecting to see magic. I remember watching the David Blaine specials on TV, and he'd just ask them all creepily "Hey...can I show you something?" and then give them his 'Blaine Stare' at them, and people would just run away, like "I don't even want to know what that guy wanted to show me!" lol Keep up it up, and you'll build up your confidence really quick! I too wish I could get to that point where I can approach people randomly, and not really have my nerves hold me back. You're braver than most Dale, and I hope to hear from you in the future about other performances that you've done. Once again, welcome to theory11 :)


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2012
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and encouragement. It definitely helps. During my "performance" I did learn a few things that I really need to work on. One of my biggest things is a deck change. What method does everyone else use for this? Is there a video tutorial that you would recommend?
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