New in magic

Jan 24, 2015
Hi, i am new in magic, and id like to improve my skill, i am a very beginner, i want some books and some decks, what is ur opinion? can u help me pls?

P.S. sorry for my bad english
Oct 17, 2014

I am not a professional magician or anything, so don't take my opinion too seriously. For cards I recommend just plain Bicycle Rider Backs, but if you meant off of Theory11 then of course Monarchs or Artisans. Theory11 has the best cards in my opinion, but of course try as many different decks as you can. Jay Sankey wrote books called Buried Treasure, Always on my Mind, and Beyond Secrets, and those are the first books in magic I ever read. My favorite books so far are Cog by Ben Seward and Banachek's PK touches (I am more of a mentalist magician). I hope I helped maybe a little bit, and reply back if you need anything. Have fun and remember practice makes perfect.
Sep 2, 2007
what about The Royal Road to Card Magic?

Royal Road has been the standard beginner text for about half a century, and you won't find many decent card workers who haven't studied it to some extent. And, as magic books go, it's pretty inexpensive, so there's no reason not to pick it up.

There's another contender for best beginner text, though, which is Card College Volume 1 by Roberto Giobbi. I only came to this series when I'd been doing magic for a while, but if I was starting out now, I would definitely want to get this.

So, my recommendation would be to get both of those books, and read them concurrently.
Apr 26, 2013
Royal Road has been the standard beginner text for about half a century, and you won't find many decent card workers who haven't studied it to some extent. And, as magic books go, it's pretty inexpensive, so there's no reason not to pick it up.

There's another contender for best beginner text, though, which is Card College Volume 1 by Roberto Giobbi. I only came to this series when I'd been doing magic for a while, but if I was starting out now, I would definitely want to get this.

So, my recommendation would be to get both of those books, and read them concurrently.

I totally agree with the advice. If I may, I'd add Mark Wilson's Course in Magic which wouldn't be as thorough as those mentioned above but which would offer you some insight on coin and other props magic as well.
As far as decks are concerned, I'd go for standard rider back bicycles, especially since when you start or learn new techniques/effects you're bound to wear out really fast
Jan 28, 2014

and where i can get it? and what is the best playing cards for begginers?

something cheap that you don't care to ruin hundreds of boxes of. I suggest bicycles until you get good enough to stop dropping cards as you play with them.

when you do get good; theory 11 cards last the longest in my opinion, but my favorite deck is still the black rounders for visual appeal.
Sep 2, 2007
What country in Europe are you from?

Royal Road is available from any magic dealer, from general online booksellers like Amazon, from as a basic PDF or from as a nicer-looking PDF.

Card College is, again, available from any magic dealer, from Amazon, or as a PDF from

Bicycle Rider Backs are available from any specialist magic or gaming dealer, but also from pretty much anywhere that sells toys and games or that kind of product.
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