No Props for Props...

Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles
I wasn't stoked on these upon taking em out of the box. Play with em for a bit and they handle great. I jumped the gun a bit on these cards. The back designs are great in my opinion. They remind of a campaign from OBEY (clothing company). If you don't like them right outta the box, play with em and break em will like these cards. Much different feel than Bikes, or something like the Centurians...but a good different. Feel great after playing with them for a bit.


** These cards definitely feel better after breaking them in. I do think they have a much different feel than something like the Centurians. It just takes a bit of playing with these to get em to handle well.**
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hmmmm that's interesting because in the other reviews most people have been saying that the cards are thin and flexible. Maybe you got a bad couple packs, maybe not.
Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles
Yea...i read those.
I do feel like the cards are thin, but they feel very unfinished and stiff. i don't know, hard to explain. Playing more with the second deck I opened I can say they aren't nearly as bad as the first deck I opened. They just didn't feel like I expected. They don't handle well in my opinion.
It's like when you open a brand new deck of Bikes, and you know its spot on. The shuffles and cuts are great, everything is smooth, everything flows. I feel the exact opposite with this deck.



wow. that's kinda disappointing. especially since the design doesn't seem as bad as i first thought. if they do a 2nd run, i'm sure they will be better.
Dude, every played with a pack of Jerry's? The cards that fanboys drool over are stiff as a 2 week old corpse, but after working them in they are a dreeaam.

I don't have any props, but just give them some time and work them in. Pressures, bridges, shuffles, etc. Rub the sides and edges with your (clean) hands to soften them up. Some decks take more work than others.

Is it just me or do they seem really slick? Like if you open a new deck of bikes and hold them in the middle of an open hand, they will bevel themselves. But these seem to fall right off your hand. I mean, it's not a big problem for me, I love slick cards. I was just wondering if it's just me.
Dec 18, 2008
United States
I think you got a defective deck, bro. All of mine fan PERFECTLY and have plenty of give (not stiff at all). Maybe you just need to break them in. They're thinner and have WAY more bendability than Guardians and Centurions, which is why I love 'em.

Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles
OK OK OK....
so i played with these cards a bit more, and they definitely start to feel better the more you play with them. I must admit they have a much different feel, in my opinion, than a deck like the Centurians. They have a great design and handle well after breaking em in.

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