Official Battlers Thread


Jan 6, 2008
challenge: craziest vertigo hackysack
rules: 1 week, no extra marks for editing, be creative, go for height, cleaness, etc. in fact, no editing whatsoever.... whos up for it?
PM and i will edit post with 'CLOSED'

i hate quoting myself, but i think this would be an awesome comp :D fun, different, and creative?

i can make it a 1 day thing if anyone wants?

EDIT: u must dribble, spring the cards before, to prove that there not stuck together xD
Dec 10, 2007
Slovenia (Europe)
Well, Hi there.

I'm seeking for a performance battle. Live performance (For an audience :)). It can be anywhere; Street, bar, coffee-house, farm. Like I stated before, just a performance for lay people.

No cheating with hired actor-audiences please.

Now for which effect you should perform? If you specialize in coins, cards, mentalism or money, please say what's your main category. I don't accept mentalism, since I don't really like that.

So yeah, card magic should be great, or some coin stuff as well. You don't have to do the same effect as I do, but it would be appreciated :).

Please give me a PM ;).

Hey everyone,

Glad the first impressions of the Battle System are great. You have no idea the countless hours Bayme and RichardZ put into it. Both of them stayed up nights in a row to get it done and test all of the bugs.

Anyways, I'm always up for a battle but, my camera I'm using the mic is broken, meaning no live performances or magic with patter. I can do a flourishing or magic video with no talking but, that is it.

If you want to challenge me, send me a PM first please so, as not to clutter up the battle page with 3 different challenges to one person.

Thanks everyone and enjoy,
Jan 4, 2008
anyone want to battle Dan and Dave moves only? flourish video. PM me
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Apr 4, 2008
I'll battle.

But I think it'll be hard keeping this thread organized and easy to follow as it grows larger...

But it would work if T11 made a new forum subject for battling. :D
Dec 10, 2007
Slovenia (Europe)
A sub-forum is almost urgent. There, every member could post his own topic, with all the details of how he battles and everything. Much easier to organize and view.

Oh, and whats with all you "no-patter, no audience" challengers? That's pointless, and if you read Richard's topic for Battles, you can clearly see why is this made for.

Dec 30, 2007
I'm kind of a n00b (less than 2 years in magic) and I've been kind of nervous about doing a battle. If anyone feels the same and wants to battle, PM me.

Note: I'm not n00b baiting, so don't try to bait me if you're an experienced magician or flourisher!
Nov 17, 2007
Kinda taken from mini magician's post, I've been known to a lot of my friends and what not for my ace productions. If anyone is interested in a ace productions contest let me know. =)
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